Name: Lucien Davis Age: 21 Species: Human Bio: Lucien was born of middle class parents, a librarian for a mother and a police officer for a father. The combination left him intelligent enough to react quickly to the first waves of robotic revolt and tough enough to survive it, even if the rest of his family did not. Burdened down with his father's home arsenal, Lucien snuck about the streets and back alleys of the cities to forage for food and gear until he came across the man "Uncle." The old man was slightly crazed but proved true to his word when he promised shelter and protection in the desert. The deep cave systems were well hidden from the robots. From here, Uncle had started the Resistance. Despite his youth, Lucien led several raids and foraging parties into the ruins to reclaim whatever he might find. It was on one of these outings that he came across Castille; from there on, the two were inseparable and one thing led to another over time. If there was any joy to be found in this wracked world, it was in his pending marriage to Castille. She was his world. Only his world was turned upside down for a second time in his life when she sacrificed herself to allow him and the rest of their party to escape after a botched mission; she had stayed behind and bought them precious minutes in which to flee the hospital. Lucien and the rest survived, only Lucien was wracked with guilt and grief at the loss of his beloved Castille. It made him morose and reckless. Many of the others in the Colony pleaded with Uncle to pull Lucien from the raiding parties but to no avail. Seven months after Castille's supposed death, Lucien began to take what comfort as he could in the company of a young girl known as Pony. He is still haunted by Castille's death, but at least in Pony's arms he found a reason to keep living. While not married, they share a pallet within the sleeping quarters. [img=] Name: Annabelle "Pony" Shepard Age: 18-ish? Species: Human Bio: Pony was the last survivor brought into the Colony, no other humans having been discovered in nearly four years. She had been able to escape the notice of the robots by virtue of her size; despite being eighteen, Pony only stands 4'-10" and looks like a somewhat buxom thirteen year old. In fact, she looks rather doll-like. From the moment she arrived, Pony began to annoy people; she talks in breezy, vacant sort of way that makes her sound like an idiot while also seemingly attempting to shock at least one person a day with an outrageous comment or act. Since Castille's death, Pony fixed on Lucien and wormed her way into his life and into his bed. There is little doubt that she truly cares for him, although she can be quite unpredictable. [img=] Name: "Uncle" Age: Fifty-three Species: Human Bio: No one knows Uncle's real name. He's not even sure he remembers it himself. What he can recall is that he was an electrical engineer working for a robotics company, one that rivaled the company that Castille and Toni's father was a part of. It was Uncle who found the caves (or had already known about them?) that were too deep beneath dense rock for the robots to detect, and it was he who gathered whomever he could find to begin forming the Resistance. While the de facto leader of The Colony, Uncle is no military genius. He is, however, incredibly intelligent if erratic and so his word tends to carry far more weight than anyone else's. The only real thing that the other survivors find un-nerving about Uncle is his "lab." The old man gathers whatever bits of technology that can be scavenged and tinkers with them in the hopes of making something useful out of them, technology like "Liana." [img=$file/Robin+Williamson.jpg] Designation: "Liana" Species: Robot Bio: Where there is one company manufacturing something, a second is sure to follow. The remains of the robot designated only as 'Liana' are a prototype artificial intelligence from a company that rivaled the one Castille and Toni's father worked for, one completely un-connected to the robots that have driven humanity to near extinction. Her physical side consists only of an elfin face built onto a skeletal head frame from which various cables and wires to lead to assorted computers; Liana has no wireless capabilities and can not be accessed or re-programmed by any means other than these computers (which are also wireless.) Uncle has turned the empty spots in the framework into a planter, which she finds curious. Liana has rudimentary emotions, unlike those robots on the surface. She spends time singing in a hauntingly beautiful voice when not assigned any tasks by Uncle, and the singing tends to un-nerve anyone who hears her. The colonists tend to give Uncle's lab a wide berth in order to avoid being near the creepy thing. [img=]