"You must be joking," Khaylan said, the color draining from his face as he looked slowly from the healer to Miranda, "you mean to tell me my life is tied to [I]hers[/I]?" He shook his head slowly. trying to deny what part of him knew to be the pure truth. "I refute this. You are in on it, aren't you? Why wouldn't she just kill me outright? Why tie my lifeforce... to hers? Why involve [I]her[/I] at all in this?" He started to move for the door, suddenly short of breath and with a desperate need to be outside. It was all too much, if the witch wanted him to suffer, why involve Miranda? It would have been so much easier to kill him outright, was this meant to make him suffer? His life in the hands of someone he could barely standing being in the same room with, let alone trust. Khaylan shook his head again, leaning heavily on the door frame. He would go back to the knights... yes... and he would have Miranda arrested and placed in protective custody. That should ensure he didn't die because of her mistakes. He would find this witch and make her undo what she had wrought... But how? Khaylan took a deep breath, measuring each of his following breaths in a breathing exercise as he slowly turned from the door to look back at the healer. "What do we have to do to lift the curse?"