Even if the pendant were real, Pete had very little interest in finding it. She wasn't concerned with doing [i]anything[/i] that would help Snow. If she lost something, that was her own darn fault and she could find it her own stinking self. Pete almost gave an audible "HRMPH" at the thought. The "search" began in the tavern, and Pete was her usual theatrical self. She held up her hand to her face, miming out a magnifying glass that she peered through to the ground. She stomped about, humming and hawing at nothing. It wasn't mocking the search; this was just how Pete was. "I don't think this is the place to look first. This is where [i]everyone[/i] would start." She winked at Ashling, waving her hand to motion her over. "I say we go to the library. I love the library!" She barely waited for a reply before scurrying off. She had noticed that there were some unfamiliar people in the tavern, so she'd made herself float down to the floor where she walked like a normal person. It made her uncomfortable, and she was eager to get out of there. When she had been followed by Ashling into the library, she proceeded to fly up, up, up, to the topmost shelf on the first bookcase she came across. She closed her bright blue eyes and randomly picked out a book. Then she reached out and dropped it for her raven-haired companion to catch. Then she randomly chose a book for herself. She blew the dust off of the cover and read the title: [i]Twenty Dark Tales of Baudeline Forest.[/i] It might be surprising to some that Pete could read, but she wouldn't have gotten very far in the world if she couldn't understand signs and the like. She slowly lowered down, until she was about shoulder-level to Ash. "Hmm. Baudeline Forest? Where do you think a place like that would be?" Her eyes took on a distant, imaginative look. She began flipping through the pages, searching for pictures.