Alexa watched anxiously as Veronika made her way down from the wall, the girl ignored Alexa when she tried to help so Alexa could only hope that she'd be okay. Once Veronika reached the ground, Alexa breathed a sigh of relief. When a small part of the wall crumbled to the ground, Alexa stared at Veronika in silence, hoping that it would convey to the other girl how lucky she was that the wall didn't fall apart when she was on it. Upon hearing Veronika's reaction, the short haired girl rolled her eyes and shook her head. Really... what was she expecting from Veronika anyway? That girl live in a world of her own making it seemed. Oh well... hopefully she'll grow up soon. Sighing yet again (She seemed to be doing a lot of this lately), Alexa followed Veronika in a more sedate pace. Watching the girl walked with springs on her step, the former gymnast let out a small smile. It's weird. She felt like she's ready to commit bodily harm to the spoiled girl before, and yet, there are times like these that showed a side of her that doesn't seem to stem from being spoiled, but simple innocence. It also made her feel like she's babysitting a grown up little kid. It's also quite refreshing, if she's to be honest with herself. Since they both got here, it's almost like she's been playing the role of the pessimist and realist, while Veronika seemed to play the part of the ever optimist. Well, annoyingly snobbish and not-all-there optimist, but an optimist none the less. When Veronika turned towards her and made that offer, Alexa shook her head at the bipolar girl's behavior resignedly. "If you want to carry it, be my guest. I doubt I'll get the chance to read it while we're walking anyway." She replied and put the book into Veronika's purse, which thankfully was big enough to fit the book in it. Why was she worrying about this snobbish girl again? Alexa looked at Veronika as they both starting to walk again. "You seem quite happy today, despite anything else. " She noted out loud.