The sun was slowly rising in the horizon of the east, with stars still just barely spotting the still-dark sky to the west. People were already beginning to get ready for their days. Some had to feed their children before going to work or even sending the children to work. Some had to put on their armors and raise their swords for battle. Some sat in their living room, sipping their tea peacefully. Some are still lying in their beds, sleeping away their troubles and some are just now going to sleep, waiting for the sun to set again. The world is such a weird place. The ones working for riches are the ones going poor and the ones pouring teas are the ones going rich. On this particular day, Sandee Mursa, Knight of Earroldir and the one in charge of the Earroldian army was ready for battle before the sun had even begun its journey across the sky. She, along with the entirety of her troops, just knew in their hearts that they would be the ones to end this war. But then again, so thought the ones before them. Such had every army thought. But not every army had Sandee Mursa as their leader. “[i]Get up, you lazy rats! Your country needs you! Klavos wills us to fight for her honor and peace of the world![/i]” her voice rung out loudly amongst the many tents in which young men and women were sleeping off a hard days training. Usually, it would be her right-hand-man, a noble from an Elven family, that would shout these youngsters out of their cribs, but he was nowhere to be found in the camp on this morning. She had given him an assignment just the day before. Myths and legends were stirring. Legends of creatures strong enough to end this war at will. He was given the mission of finding out more and, hopefully, finding these creatures and haivng them end this war. Where he had gone to, though, she knew not. -===============- Elias Nihmgor, second in command of the Earroldian army, was not doing what he was supposed to at all. In fact, he was to rise with the sun to silently leave the side of the young man whom he had spent the night with. He was just barely dressed, much less in his armor. With his boots in one hand and his shirt in the other, he limped down the still-empty streets of the outer circle of Earroldir. His armor, weapon and even his horse were still with the trainees, but he knew better than to go get it now. His Lady would have his head on a stake for shinking his duties, even for just a single night. Rather than serving his own head to an enraged woman, he decided to swing by a small tavern. He had no idea where to start or who to talk to, when it came to his mission. Who would actually know of these creatures? They were only myth, he was sure. If such creatures really did exsist, would they not have ended the war long ago? He slipped onto one of the stools by the bar, setting his boots on the counter before pulling his shirt over his head, “[i]A glass of red wine, if you please,[/i]” he asked politely to the puzzled-looking man behind the bar. Surely, they did not get a lot of half-naked, half-Elves with scars like his in these small taverns. There weren't even a lot of people there, despite it being just barely four in the morning. They had to work in the morning, was his guess.