@ Rex YES. and please don't think i'm lazing out to make things more specific. since they didn't yet show it to anime what the other djinns are, i'm giving all of you the freedom to choose. And oh, it is possible not to have a djinn at first, since we're talking about a role-play of something adventurous, action, and all. At the call of the moment. I'm about to put on a great profile for each Djinn. Djinns do different a lot of things, and some may vary, while some may be alike. I hope that answers. @MasterJay Yes, I know that would be a case. But considering the case of the humans the last time in Alma Torran, where all humans are magicians, and they're using the power of Solomon by the divine staves (which I can say, the prototype of djinns), then that could be possible. I mean, after a hundred of years, everything could be possible. But not widely possible, so others might be able to do it, but others may not be able to do it. So, that's why. :D YES GUYS. I'll be expecting CSs from all of you. :)