"Hmm?" Veronika turned back to her, raising an eyebrow. She didn't even realize how happy she felt. In all honesty, she didn't feel like this, this kind of happiness in ages. "Well..." She started, but couldn't exactly put what she felt into words. This world confused her and how she felt about it confused her too. "...I guess you could say that. But don't get any ideas, it's not like it's because of you!" She quickly recovered upon noticing how playful she's been acting. "It's just now very good for a lady to be upset. It gives you wrinkles, you knooow" A quick made up excuse, what else did she expect from herself. A tiny bit of guilt nibbled at her. Why couldn't she just admit that she way genuinely happy? Moreover, why was she happy in the first place, being stranded here in the middle of nowhere with no potential escape. "A-anyway, we're here!" She chimed, trying in vain to hide the quiver in her voice. The noble stopped right underneath the monument that reached far up into the sky, looming over them like a mighty, scary figure. Looking around it, she noticed it was nothing but a long pillar with a flag on the top, surrounded by many small ones. No signs, no readable inscriptions aside from something that read along the lines of 'GJUKAR' or maybe 'GIOKAR'. One couldn't be sure, as the many years and climates deformed the monument's stone and with that, the letters inscribed in it. Just then she noticed a shield and an iron sword resting at its base along with some flowers that people must have brought here to honour the dead. With her foot, Veronika lightly poked at the sword, making it slide off the shield with a rusty sound. "Uuugh... that looks heavy..." She groaned, not paying it any more attention than that, but instead beginning to look around for anything else that might be useful.