"Devin, I'm afraid not everything is black and white in the world." Ellie frowned as his comment about shooting. It was Guild practice to avoid killing things if they didn't have to. True, most monsters don't understand reason and have to be put down, but hunters shouldn't go in guns blazing. Witch contracts rarely panned out to be true, especially in the colonies. They have a deep rooted fear of witchcraft stretching farther back than Salem. "We need to find out what we're dealing with when we get there. I'm hoping to deal with this as peacefully as possible." If the witches turn out to just be girls in over their head, then it would be an easy fix. They'd pull them aside and set them straight. This was the Guild way. They fixed problems, not create more. There is even an uneasy treaty with the Troll Nation. As long as they control themselves and keep away from people, the Guild has promised not to actively hunt them. Snow never agreed with the terms, but it was one of the things that moved Ellie to such a high rank. She drafted the treaty and carried out the negotiations on behalf of the Guild. "We should be getting there soon. I suggest we gather our things and come up with a plan. I'll oversee this mission, but I'd like to see how you all want to approach it." [center]---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guild Tavern --------------------------------------------------------------[/center] "Haven't seen you around before, and I know just about everyone in here." A rather shrill voice came from behind Kenichi. The owner, a small man with a hooked nose and ratty hair sat next to the boy. The appeared old and sick with wrinkled, green skin and eyes that were yellow where there should have been white. He sat with a crooked smile and just looked the boy over. "The name's--" "Rumple! What did I tell you about bothering the new recruits." A more commanding female voice boomed across the tavern. Snow quickly crossed to them and pulled the short man off his stool. She stood over him and glared down at the cowering thing. "I was just welcoming the boy to our humble abode. Didn't mean to -" "Can it. Get back to your shop." Snow stood her ground and her commanding pose until the little man had scurried to his feet and disappeared from the Tavern. She was phased at all by the literal meaning as the man simply vanished from his spot. She turned around and sat next to Kenichi. Woody placed a bottle of whiskey before them both and two cups. "Sorry about him. I'm still training his manners." [center]--------------------------------------------------------------------- Guild Library ----------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] "Oh, it's over the hills and through the woods. If you pass Grandma's house, then you've gone to far." A very cheerful young brunette approached the pair of recruits. Her voice was warm and welcoming. Pretty much everyone in the Guild knew the librarian, but she hadn't personally met these two girls before. "My name's Belle. Is there something I can help you with." Belle sat down across from them, ready for any pressing questions on their minds. The broach on her chest started to glow blue and a voice called through. "Belle, you there? I need some help! How the hell do you kill a wendigo?" The voice was hurried and harsh. Screams and screeches came from the background. Belle quickly stood up. "Sorry, need to take this..." She pushed the center of the rose and walked back to her desk. "Damn it, Al! I told you to call me [i]before[/i] you went after it."