Alexa stared in bemusement at Veronika's defensive reaction to her simple observation. It's like the noble girl was trying to justify her happiness to herself instead of to Alexa. Smothering her giggles before it could appear, Alexa simply smiled a little wider and nodded to Veronika's 'explanation'. There's just something very cute about how the snobbish and proper little lady acted rather unlady like, and then tried to justify it while trying to act all proper again. Upon reaching the pillar, the first thing that drawn Alexa's attention was the shield and sword that rested at its base. For some reason, upon seeing the weapon and shield, she did a mental dance and mental cheer that they found seemingly a better weapon. Kneeling, Alexa took the sword's handle and tried to lift it. Making a couple of experimental swings, she concluded that she'd need some training before she could use the sword properly. Alexa undid her rope belt quickly and made a couple of knots to hold the sword as well. She re-positioned her dagger to her right side and slid the sword to its new holding on her left side. That done, she took the shield as well, whispering in apology to whoever spirits might still reside there. "I'm sorry, we'll be taking these. Hopefully they can help us to better staying alive." With that done, Alexa started to look around as well, frowning when she noticed that there's still no sign of civilization. "I think we need to get to a higher ground. Shall we go up there?" She queried, pointing towards the nearby hill, with trees on the top.