WIP [img]http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/294/4/3/play_some_tune_by_melna-d6ra7hm.jpg[/img] Name: Dennis Serclaes Gender: Male Age: 43 Nationality/ethnicity: Ethnic German, Northern League National The Northern league was named after the Italian party for independence of north Italy, Lombardy or 'Padania' that started the idea that the north was simply better than the south, which was a drain of resources. After victories of nationalists through Europe, especially in France, a new 'Clique' within the EU, composed of Northern Italy, France, Germany, Austria and the BeNeLux began to form, insisting that they had a 'Special Status' as the economic motor of Europe. When southern Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece would all default on their debt, the north, rather than throwing them out of the EU, left the EU, leaving the south (And Ireland) with the burden of sorting things out themselves. With years they would confederate and eventually federate under the Northern League, a rich but extremely closed society placing extreme value on assimilation and that tented to be extremely interventionist in Africa as to sustain its economy. With the rise of the PCC, the NL was forced to be more open in its politics but while it in theory went back to a more open society, no one named Mohammed would ever be able to find a job within the NL. General description: Education/skills: -Biochemistry -Virology -Genetics Positive qualities: -Jovial, he knows how to lighten the atmosphere with a joke or how to laugh with people when he does something silly. -Homemade chemistry, he can probably make a bottle of alcohol out of a fungal colony in your shoe, he doesn't need the fancy laboratory although it helps. -Get dirty, he isn't afraid to do so. -Guitar, he plays it decently. Negative qualities: -Drunk, he can make alcohol out of everything and will drink it to 'Taste if it's good'. He's generally drunk all the time unless he's working, and that's because he's so obsessed with his work that he forgets to drink and sobers up in the mean time. -Slightly Racist, he wouldn't say a black person (As long as he isn't 'Gangsta like') is inferior to a white person, but he has a tendency to refer to Asians as chinks, blacks as niggers and so forth. -Celibate, unless a woman is really drunk, Dennis is the kind of people that just can't get laid due to horrible pick up lines and a breath that stinks of alcohol, although he will try. Females beware. History: Vignette/audition (optional):