"Above a hiiiil? Really?" Veronika groaned. She knew Alexa's proposal made sense, it was the only logical thing to do, but oh it felt exhausting just to look up that hill, let alone walk UP the slope. Not even tried to hide a big roll of her eyes, Veronika followed the brunette, seeing that the later is getting herself well equipped. At least it made the noble feel like she has a bodyguard now. A noble princess and her bodyguard travelling gives off a way better impression than 'two lost friends in an unknown world'. Yes, Veronika was much satisfied with the development. Still, the hill was not to her liking, so if she's going to be forced into climbing it, she'll at least make it clear that it's not something she chose to do. "How high do you think it is? Are you sure it'll lead us to civilization... I mean, HOW can you be so sure about that? You don't know this place..." She kept inquiring, trying to settle her own uneasiness with having to do manual labour. Of course, she was no weakling, she was a lady and she was going to carry herself as such. With head held high, she made her way forward alongside Alexa, not showing the slightest signs of being uneasy. Again, she blessed her decision of taking flat ankle shoes instead of stilettos to the stroll last evening. The hike felt anything but pleasant, but something in the distance piqued her interest. "Alexa... is that smoke...? There, in the far distance. Like... you know, fireplace smoke, the one that comes from old houses?" With that she pointed her slender pale fingers, clad in numerous extravagant rings in the said direction.