Returning a smile to James, Harper pulled out the deactivated robot and handed it to James to he could see it. "I did all the wiring and metal work with my powers, which I have to tell you was the easy part. Configuring Cal to the way he is now took a bit of work but the learning experience was good. There's few bugs and glitches every once in a while and I'm more than ready to upgrade him but he's good for minor work such as calling in an order for coffee." Harper said as she lifted her coffee cup that was getting close to empty. "Hopefully I can add some solar panels before we leave though just in case I am unable to get him charged up while we are out there." Before Harper could continue to talk, a woman about her age started to talk and introduced herself as the one that would be in charge. A small smile slipped on Harper's face as she listened to the woman. She wasn't exactly sure what challenges would arise as the team moved forward, but she was excited to face those challenges. Nodding in agreement to Thad's statement about training, she wondered what the woman had planned.