Demeter was more than happy to know he had such good friends. ''I am glad to hear that he will be better soon.. Thank you for your help..'' she said and nodded, she got up and walked to the guestroom were Seth was laying. She sat down on the chair next to his bed and laid her hand on his, softly playing with his fingers. ''Seth.. I am so sorry for causing you so much trouble... I feel very responsible for what happened with you... If I hadn't come to that town, my brother wouldn't and he wouldn't have met you... or caused you so much harm... Please... Get better soon'' she whispered and bend over, she softly kissed him on his lips and felt her own tears slide down her cheeks. She was gonna hunt for her brother and kill him, even if it would be the last thing she did. She stood straight and walked out of the guest room. She looked at Seth's friend and smiled some. ''I can't stay.. Do you maybe have a pen and piece of paper for me? I want to write something for Seth'' she said and was trying to not get eye contact with him.