Guys I've been thinking... For something as open world and big as this, wouldn't it be neat to incorporate a system of influencing the world and advancing your characters? I mean, I personally don't mind whether this RP is more game-y or story-based, but I was thinking about something like this (for when people find themselves alone): As a GM, I can create a "Quests" kind of system. HOLD ON DON'T FREAK OUT, NIGGA, DAMN! For example, right now, BBeast and GreenGoat's characters are alone :(. What if, however, there was a list of quests in the OOC. Really vague and open ended things. Like for example: [b][u]Events:[/b][/u] [list] [*]There have been rumors of a merchant who has acquired a guardian and has stockpiled many resources, willing to trade them for protection...[/*] [*]Anyone near the wall may or may not hear large, warp sounds going off not too far from them...[/*] [*]Characters around the old Golden Merc base will hear strange noises coming from within...[/*] [*]Anyone in the lower class district may come across a strange trail of blood that leads through a very suspicious ally...[/*][/list] So, for example, BBeast could then PM me and be like, "Yo, I think Zachary is close enough to the wall to hear the sounds. He's going to check it out as it fits his character." And I'll be like, "Sure bruh!" And then I scratch it off the Events list since he got it (he could also ask to do it with a group if he's with one). Then, me and him would collab (or me and a GM), and he would be posting for the most part while I would be playing NPC's and keeping things in check lore-wise and meta-wise. Of course, there would be many times in which I'd have to reject someone for an event because it wouldn't be as fitting to the story. Now what do you get out of these quests? NOTHING! Well actually, that depends. First, we must consider that (like in the first two events), there are actual impacts on the entire story. Basically, the outcome of your events literally shapes the entire core story, it isn't just a side thing. The happenings on the wall? Very, very crucial. The merchant guardian? Well, I don't want to spoil, but he WOULD'VE BEEN VERY CRUCIAL! Now why is this good? Because from what I've noticed, a con to our RP set up is that the GM's are driving the story by themselves while the other people are almost "side characters." I don't want that, yo. I want Ishigo, Julian, and Hector to be the side characters (Kisheto is my favorite though, sorry, gg) and YOU guys to be the main characters. And what makes a main character main? They create the main story. They aren't always wandering off in the distance doing things that [b][i]no one may ever know about[/b][/i]. This way, even if YOU are alone, you are creating the story. BBeast recently pm'd me asking me to give him some things to do. I did, and all of those things were core-story based. Well, all but one, which happened to be the one he chose xD (that one was more for self development). But onto the next point, which is, IMO, development. I'm already very iffy about this do to how game-y it makes things, but through this event system, I could have a pseudo-rewards or spoils mindset. In other words, you do the event, and I'll be like "Oh yeah, nice, from now on I think so-and-so can hurl fireballs of this size now." Yah nah mean? Or maybe after you complete the event, if you didn't pick up the sword from the big bad boss that you fought, I could be like "Yo, you can totally take his sword and make it yours." Or I can just throw in a little at the end, like you RP your character walking away and I add that you can "feel his spirit growing" or SOMETHING, y'know? But anyway, gimme dat feedback. We all know that things have been slowly falling behind, with people going poof and others just carrying for us (I want to thank you BBeast for your dedication and consistent quality brothah). I want to spice things up a bit and make it even better so people like LOST and KYLE don't ditch (you're supposed to be the OG's :( ) If you think you have a better version of this system or simply don't like it, just tell me. Again, in order to prevent it from being too gamey, it's not going to be straight mechanics. There's gonna be leniency everywhere and exceptions and shit. It'll just be a way of organizing things. Holla back at a brothah.