Trex moved quickly threw the streets. He avoided the main hotels and inns near the train station. If whoever put Zelia to sleep came along, that would be some of the first places they would look. No, there was a few other places they could go, like some of the places along the docks. Though some of them were not the best establishments, Trex knew that it would just add to Zelia's safety as not many would think that Fairy Tail wizards would frequent shady inns. As they moved at a quick pace, Amber looked over at Flynn. "I don't know." She shrugging, excitement replacing the concern from earlier. "Maybe it will be a test of wills or some puzzles." She paused thoughtfully. "I hope it's not a spirit battle. I would hate to have to send my spirits against other people's spirits. Especially considering I only have a few spirits, only one of which would be good in regular combat." Chris frowned. "I wouldn't give him all your secrets." He warned as he followed along. "He is competing against you." Amber shrugged and waved him off. She looked back at Flynn. "Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to a challenge." She beamed. "What do you think it will be?" Coming to a stop outside a rather shady looking inn, Trex paused. "This will work." He told the others. He handed a few coins to Skye, making sure he didn't move Zelia to much. "Reserve a room. Then make us invisible so the innkeeper and everyone else doesn't see us come in. Even with your current spell, someone might notice." Raising an eyebrow, Skye accepted the money without comment. "Be right back." She said quickly disappearing inside. In a few minutes she was back outside. "Room 210." She told them. Casting the illusion she nodded at Trex. "There. You should be good. At least until we get into the room." Trex nodded. "Alright lead the way." ~~~~ Erymanthian sent Twila a look and snorted before following Orian. Twila watched them leave without comment. Once they were gone, she turned her attention back to Zelia's dreams, her claws retracting. Steering the dream along a nicer path she was a bit surprised to hear the young woman call out to her. How did she know? Had the hunter and boar's presence increased hers? Fading into the background, she frowned as she saw the young woman start looking around as she walked, as if trying to find her. Looking into her memories, Twila pulled up the memory of someone and sent that person toward Zelia to distract her. Twila moved back and watched as the individual went up excitedly as they technically not seen each other for years. A reunion dream might sidetrack the young woman enough to make her forget. Dreams were funny things. You might not remember what you were just thinking about a few moments earlier. It all depended on the individual. She frowned as she noticed the distraction didn't really work to well. Though there was a bit of a reunion, the young woman was still a bit distracted, still looking for her. Twila stayed out of sight. She sent some words into the friend's head and made her speak them. "Why are you worried about spirits? Come on, let's go celebrate at our favorite spot." The individual stated. Twila set it where they would quickly arrive at the location, some distance away in dream land and made her way back toward the cliffs. With the individual programmed to try and keep the young woman busy, she could go back to look at the young woman's memories. Sitting down, she let her legs hang over the cliff as she carefully went along, making sure not to bring the memories into the dream itself.