The healer snorted. "Ah, were it so simple, my lord," she all but laughed. "It's not a curse, that's what's confusing. This is the kind of thing normally done in the [i]romantic[/i] circles. There's a specific ritual to undo it that can only be done on the new moon...or," she winked. "to, eh, [i]bond[/i] in the physical sense, if you catch my drift." Miranda's face flushed bright red. "No, no!" She shook her head furiously. "Absolutely not!" "Well then, I guess you have a month to wait for that ritual," Lola said. "I can even perform it free of charge..." she narrowed her eyes at Khaylan. "If milord can promise to be a gentleman and not 'mistreat' an innocent girl in the meantime." Anger flooded Miranda's system. Despite the ache in her shoulders, she stood up, and pointed an accusing finger at Khaylan. "[i]You[/i]," she said, venom dripping from her words. "This is all your fault! If you hadn't mucked around with dangerous magic, I wouldn't be in tis mess!"