Daemon Web: The Daemon web is something between a planet and plane of a sort unseen throughout most of the nexus. The entire world resembles a massive ball of intertwining silks and tunnels, all built into layers of petrified webs. The Daemon Web Pit is a huge rugged realm of webbing formed of all sorts of planar materials and inhabited by spider fiends, Spider-morph mutants, and Driders. The major sentient race of the Daemon Webs are called Arachne and appear to be some form of anthropomorphic spider beings. Much of the Web Pits are a mixture of rocks with chasms and rocky gorges tied in place by large swaths of webbing. There are also many pits and craters. The land itself looks deceivingly dead upon it's surface which is littered with giant petrified spiders with webbing cover everything. There is a distant red sun during the day and eight bright red stars at night along with two pale white moons. At the north pole is a massive hive like structure built of stone and organic matter. There a insectoid race is at constant war with the Arachne. Thus much of the surface can sometimes lay witness to large scale battles to smaller skirmishes. The world core itself is rice in an ore known as layemoid, which is said to amplify the powers of those who come into contact with it. However, this yellowish stones can have an addictive effect, even being harmful if abused by the unwary. Gravity here is somewhat weaker then that of earth.