Raine smirked slightly when the man didn't respond but it was quickly replaced with a frown as a voice rang out from the alley. "Fire!!" He yelled and the assassin crouched slightly, prepared to jump out the way if necessary, but, when nothing came their way, she narrowed her eyes. Just what was this guy planning to do? Her unasked question was promptly answered as Drake pointed out that the man was coming from above them. Not wanting to get crushed, the assassin quickly sprung out the way, just as Flake landed in front of the tax collector. As Raine turned around, she was not surprised to see Flake standing there, beating the crap out of the heavily armored man. She would've helped but figured watching would be much more fun. The assassin even smirked a bit as she returned her dagger back to its hiding spot beneath her cloak and the responded to Flake's question. "I slept rather well, actually. Thanks." She replied with a slight shrug and then pointed to the tax collector with another smirk on her face. "I assume that you know this guy here?" Raine asked, event though the answer to that was pretty obvious. Still, she wanted to hear it herself; in fact, she wondered how two very different people like those two could become acquainted at all. As the assassin waited for a reply, she walked over to the nearest set of trashcans and proceeded to retrieve her armor and tights from their hiding spot. It was rather easy to slip back into the chest plate but it was a bit more difficult to get the tights back on without flashing all her business--again--in front of Flake and his friend. Somehow she managed to become completely clothed once more without any issue and promptly walked back over to the two. By that time, the crowd gathered at the entrance of the alley had begun to disperse, but it was guaranteed that news about the tax collector's defeat would spread like wildfire throughout the town. In fact, Raine could already hear them talking about it now: "Did you see how quickly that man brought him down?" "Yes! It was amazing!" "I didn't think that he could be defeated so easily."