The javelin hurls towards the goblin, but misses wide as it hits the house behind the goblin trio and splinters on impact with the building. The little green munchkin starts jumping up and down in place as is seemed to speak to Dhalgren in a mocking, sing-song voice. [b]"Longshanks can't hiiiit, Longshanks can't hiiit!"[/b] The goblin just to the right of the one that was making fun of Dhalgren started to wheedle up onto the nearby cart of food. It's little legs thrashed and wriggled in a rather humorous fashion as it tried it's best to get himself inside, but it was just able to as it tumbled inside, a little dazed at first before finding himself smiling proudly with it's sharp-toothed grin over it's supposed success. ((It is now Roan's turn))