Much better this time around, Shinra. Thanks for taking the time to polish the personality section up - coupled with the bio, it was easier for me to understand. NOTICE: I won't officially start until Wednesday or Thursday, as I have been busy with spring cleaning at my house today and need to finish up tomorrow. @.@; The gist of my first post is that Melvin will have emerged from a Sect facility he and some rebels destroyed at the southernmost tip of Sord. The story will also begin in Sord, and our characters will gradually move north to Boreas (at least, Melvin will want to comb the country for Sect facilities to destroy starting south and weakening their footholds in Sord and Zenterr). As I'm too lazy to make a map right now, let's use [url=]South America[/url] as a go-to map for now. Sord would cover Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and the Falkland Islands. Zenterr has the largest landmass, which would cover Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil. The remaining northern countries from Ecuador to French Guiana would be Boreas, making it the smallest country.