Drake closed in, holstering his pistol, and slammed a mighty right into lockheart's gut, sapping an immense amount of magic energy, and building his own. He held Lockheart up with his fist in his stomach and then withdrew it. While still suspended in air, Drake then brought down a brutal left hammer-fist, slamming Lockheart into the ground. He then advanced forward to see if he could help Ris and Cilia, hoping that he could get to them before Lock heart could catch his breath and rebuild his magic energy that he just lost. --- Ander was finished dousing the area with water and prepared to light the place up in an electric column, but his saw that there was a change in character. "[i]Dangit, I really wanted to try it too,[/i]" he muttered in his mind. He started to float back down, still cautious, to hear what he was saying. He may still have to arrest him, but he also had other business to attend to out here.