Rebecca watched the woman known as Clarisse with obvious disinterest, fighting the urge to get up and come back once the speech was over with. Sure she had 'volunteered' for this, but she hadn't been incredibly excited for it. She had her reasons though, and she planned to see it through. She heavily sighed as Clarisse droned on, wishing that this would hurry up and be over with so they could get moving. Not that she was looking forward to the next part, she wasn't a people person. Never was, and likely never would be. As far as she cared, everyone here was just an ally, not a friend or companion. Just someone to be used so they could get the next mission done. Finally Clarisse finished her little speech and Cade walked up on the stage. [b]"Oh great, it's a kid."[/b] She stated to herself, obviously not liking the fact that Cade was obviously younger than she was and there was a chance he was going to give her orders. Not cool on any level. It didn't matter if he was a so called 'angel' or not. She didn't like taking orders from people younger than she was. Granted, Cade wasn't that young so she could possibly warm up to him with time. She was, however, curious as to what exactly this guy could do. She stood, purposefully causing her metal legs to make a loud noise against the floor as she did so. [b]"Alright, 'angel' show us what you can do."[/b] She said with obvious skepticism.