Vector always [b]hated[/b] the seasonal festivals that Trespiano held. It was all a huge waste of time; Vector's men would always leave and take off for a brief vacation whenever they held these occasions, and that left him, the eleventh boss of CEDEF, with mountains of paperwork and jobs left undone, which resulted in a disappointed Decimo. But, this time of year, he had a plan. Of course, Tsunayoshi Sawada had not approved of it at first, but after clarifying that no innocent people would be harmed - which was only half true - was the plan approved. He just needed to find the perfect opportunity to carry it out, and hopefully, things would go the way he intended to set in motion. Vector was not astronomically tall; rather, he stood just below six feet tall, which was slightly above average. He wore an all-black suit with a yellow long-sleeved polo shirt underneath, and black boots as his choice of footwear. His emerald eyes gleamed below the shadow of his black fedora, which matched the color of his concealed hair that only showed itself at the back of his head in a spiky fashion. Sawada had always stressed to him how much Vector resembled his late tutor, Reborn, the Sun Arcobaleno, in adult form. It was too bad, he didn't see the world's strongest hitman around anymore; in fact, not a soul had seen a single Arcobaleno since Sawada took his seat as Vongola Decimo. Vector wore a shady, sinister smile as he trotted through the waning streets of Trespiano, sick of the way everything seemed so complacent. He dug a hand into his pocket and brought up a 'prehistoric' flip phone, preferring it over the bullshit smart phone jargon. He scrolled through his entire list of contacts, of which he had lost count at over three hundred, until the name "Sonya - TUTOR" showed up out of the other ten or twenty Sonya names. He wanted to check to see if she had located the candidate, or any of the other Guardian candidates for that matter, and so he proceeded to call her. For a short moment, the phone rung and rung, visibly unanswered, until someone bumped straight into him. Vector was never one to completely lose his temper immediately, especially in this situation, where the person had run straight into him at full speed and managed to not budge Vector a single inch. He blinked down at the man, and decided that this wasn't an enemy, lowering his hand that had shut the phone to cancel the call and begun to reach inside his suit instinctively for his box. He sighed, not saying a single word to the man and stepped over him with a cool head, pacing down the street in silence. That was when he spotted another prospect down the street who looked similar to the man that ran into him. From first impression, Vector could already see the potential of the boy as a natural hitman. He scratched the side of his head, walking up to him and extending a hand out as a friendly gesture. [b]"Is that your brother? A bit raucous, needs more focus,"[/b] he said dryly, tilting his head. [b]"You can call me Vector. I'm a foreign trader looking for the marketplace, young sport."[/b] --- Daisuke wasn't sure if he had ever seen someone get so frustrated over some eggs. This was definitely a first. [b]"B-but..."[/b] the Japanese boy appeared disappointed, frowning. Suddenly, his face boomed with excitement again, and his hand flew back to point down the street. It was almost as if he was immune to insults and rude people, his smile genuine and casual, like Cyril was a friend of his. He turned back and forth between the boy and the street, his mouth opening to speak. [b]"My house is just down there, silly! It's a short walk or run!"[/b]