So down for this. Count me as good as in. I have a couple of ideas, nothing too fancy; but i do have a couple of questions that would greatly aid my thought processes: Are the Gods regarded as 'fact' in the world, or are there varying degrees of atheism / agnosticism to go alongside the theistic populace? When you say we're free to add world building of our own into our characters in order to richen the world, does that mean there is no set lifestyle or culture within each specific area that we have to abide by, and we are free to mild such things in order to help create more interesting characters? If magic is life, and the two are somehow intricately and fundamentally connected, is it possible to enchant items with arcane power of sorts? Nothing too fancy, I was thinking of building a character who is not magically sensitive in any way (though not numb enough to be among the magical pariahs who go nuts), just sort of your average human, but who is in possession of a slightly cooler than average weapon that is influenced and enhanced a little through Trayig's Sand? Also sorry if i ask too many questions. I'm a bit weird. :)