[hider=Silvia Pic][img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/038/8/8/88125004bf0ba987652fe881391977c1-d38pf9r.jpg][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Silvia Blackthorne [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] 5'9" [b]Personality:[/b] Experiments to make her an Angel tried to remove her emotional response completely but only succeeded in suppressing them. She can't help but to be cold and analytical in both her words and her actions but secretly she wishes to understand the emotional connection other people have with each other. Silvia also has a strange fascination with music and human interaction, brought about by her wish to understand what she lost. [b]Power/Ability:[/b] Silvia was a failed experiment, unable to express a power during original testing. Discouraged, she volunteered for the secret Angel project where a chip was emplanted in her brain. Other sorts of testing worked at making her physically stronger. With no real power, Silvia depends on technology and her own two fists to fight off enemies. [b]In More Detail:[/b] The Chip: This chip is emplanted in her brain to connect her with the city(traffic lights, security cameras, other chips...). This is standard in all Angel models though some may have a better knack at using it than others, and Silvia is one of those people. [hider=Tech Eye:][img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs51/PRE/f/2009/283/f/5/Eye_Tech_by_HawkTheSlayer.jpg] Works with the chip to create 3D images of the data streaming through her head.[/hider] [hider=Mech Wings:]Not exact! [img=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs41/PRE/i/2010/003/4/4/bIG__bROTheR_iS_WatCHinG_yOU_by_pixievamp.jpg] Also a standard with the Angels, thesse 'wings' are essentially force fields designed to be a sheild against explosive impacts. They are not effective against projectiles! The device that generates the wings can only be found on a shirt/jacket modified and supplied by research team.[/hider] Choice of weapon is a set of [url=http://cn1.kaboodle.com/img/c/0/0/19f/c/AAAADAqKhrgAAAAAAZ_KRw/asp-law-enforcement-f21fc-foam-chrome-fricton-loc-baton-21-inch-6.jpg?v=1321528233000]batons[/url] [b]Team:[/b] Alpha [b]Extras:[/b] Silvia's preferred past-time is training and will generally train alone, save for a brave volunteer, both instances accompanied by music in the background. She is also is obsessed with food, though doesn't understand why. If you've noted the young age, her father was a scientist working on the GA Project and used her as an illegal test subject. He felt extreme guilt afterwards and committed suicide, leaving her an orphan. ~Because of how in tune she is to her chip, Silvia is vulnerable to expert hackers. Any sign of hacking will automatically activate a fail-safe lock-down... Basically she faints for a little while. [img=http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608031880159299989&pid=1.7] [b]Name:[/b][i]Cade Johnson[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]25[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] [I]His eyes are red because of his angel eye tech and he normally dresses in black cargo pants and a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket(yes I know... that's a lot of black).[/I] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Cade is a spoiled rich kid at heart, having grown up in an extremely weathly family. He has a sly nature to him, always getting himself into fights and other such troubles, including altercations with the police. Never having been put in jail, he never got the punishment people thought he deserved until one day his parents had finally had enough with his sneaky behavior. They decided to send him to the military for 'obedience'training, where he struggled for a while to get his footing. This training opened his eyes to a whole new way of living, turning him into a respectable young adult. When he caught wind of the guardian initiative he signed up immediately to prove to his parents that he really had what it took to be responsible and to think of someone other than himself. Despite having been through his millitary training, Cade can still be mischievous and dark at times though always loyal to the mission. Attempts to turn off his emotional output failed and resulted in a slight dampering, though mostly ineffective.[/i] [b]Power/Ability:[/b][i]Cade is equipped with all of the standard Angel technology, however his body's reaction to the technology was less than satisfactory. For reasons unknown, his chip refused to work to full potential and will only communicate with his eyes and other technology in his immediate area. His wings, which are attached to his leather jacket, will not respond to the faulty chip either and must be activated by a fingerless glove he wears on his right hand. His guardian power was an experiment with predicting the future but was considered a failure. He has a slight intuition when it comes to battle situations but nothing beyond that. He is also engineered to be physically stronger than normal humans and has combat experience from training with the military. His choice of weapon is a set of [url=http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.607988801632274641&pid=1.7]plasma pistols[/url] used among normal police officers, can double as a Taser when needed. The pistols are powered by a special kind of battery(cause scifi is just cool like that).[/I] [b]Team:[/b] [i]Beta[/i] [b]Extras:[/b]