The sun blazed through the stained glass windows, engulfing the Great library in kaleidoscopic light which danced around the writing desks and splashed beautiful, burning images of Klavos in all her glory on to the backs of the towering mahogany bookcases. As the sun rose and the shadowy refuge of the circular book cases shrank, it began to expose a little caped hobgoblin, asleep at a writing desk. "Henk..." Bumble muttered, frustrated at the forecast but still half asleep. She clumsily rummaged through her bag for her Rockafink and Brothers' Ear Mounted, Deep Ocean, Light Absorbing Ocular Enhancements and swiftly mounted them to relieve the Sun related blindness. Hood up and she was as best protected from the morning incineration as she could be in this "wonderfully" well lit room. It was annoying the scholars wouldn't let he move a desk to the basement but they were right, there was nowhere to put it. Getting any one of the seemingly endless numbers of bookcases out would be next to impossible, Bumble wondered how they got down there in the first place. She yawned and stretched now it was safe to do so without burning her eyes out of their sockets and sleepily gathered up her writing equipment, dropping it lasily into her open satchel. Bag straps tightened to her waist and she was off, the long black cloak billowing behind her. It was to bright too be outside so She'd have to find somewhere else that was dingy and quiet to work till she could keep up the training she usually did before the sun rose. The Gilded Pilgrim, was one such place. A small bar that attracted some unfavourable, if wealthy, patrons who know only to give a piece of their mind with their fists, no less. Luckily such a place would be empty during the day especially at 4 am. Bumble's mind wandered from Breakfast to Dinner, from "Dear Og'Og its bright out here" to "I must really vist the alchemist so I can follow up on that lead I got about treasure under the docks" and from translation to "my arse hurts a bit still from that poorly cushioned seat". Pretty soon she was outside he favourite scruffy place in the outer circle, the softly swinging fools gold monk dangling by his chain noose. It was quiet inside so she popped in, closing the door gently behind her. The small windows at the front meant it was dim inside and it not being night time mean the oil lamps weren't lit either. Bumble lifted the hood off her head so it didn't snag on her horns and removed the glasses. Eyesight no long deliberately impared, it was easy to see the barkeep and the sole tall patron. He was much to well dressed for a place like this, he'd have still stuck out like a sore thumb had their been others. Considering their wasn't others he didn't stick out so much, but thats besides the point. It barely mattered, he was being quiet and as long as Bumble gave him no reason to be otherwise she imagined he'd stay that way. Bumble smiled to the barkeep and enquired, "Do you do breakfast?"