So, I'm looking to revive a long-gone RP, involving elemental cultures, their leaders, armies, and creatures. The elements are Fire, Earth, Plains, Forest, Water, Wind, Light, and Dark (as mainstays). [img][/img] Above is a map of where the RP will take place. It's not exact, like the coastline, but it's close enough. It's a medieval like setting with a heavy fantasy element. As I mentioned, you can play basically anyone, but I should elaborate. Generally the first character of any element should be the Lord. That doesn't mean if it doesn't already have a Lord player don't pick it, but rather if there's a totally empty element you want to play, consider playing the lord. Lords are, well, exactly what they sound like, essentially the leaders of each area. Their power is fairly absolute in their respected areas, only mitigated by the Council of Lords, consisting of Elders and the Lords themselves. Because of this, you can basically flesh out governing methods and customs yourself (As not all [I]have[/i] been defined fully) or defer to me for advise if you must. If you want to play a non-noble character you can. That's fine. I won't stop you. Commoner places would be easy, but uneventful. Military positions like soldiers, mages, ect, would be eventful, but basically you'd have to feed heavily off of the posts of who ever is playing the respective lord character, and if you end up in a specific unit that needs to go somewhere, well... you'd have to go too. Some areas have their own rich or nobility, and playing as those offers somewhat of a middle ground. You have some freedoms, but obligations the others won't, and you [I]might[/I] be able to command a small portion of armed forces if the element which your player is has a lord player who allows that. This means that Lord characters have a bit of sway over other characters, but not HOW they deal with things, just WHAT they have to deal with sometimes. And don't think these characters will go unmitigated. That's what the Council is for. Also, mixed races are possible, but not many exist, and it depends on timeline events, which need to be approved beforehand obviously. If you're curious, ask. I'm sure I can give greater detail, and if you want to take some liberties, I'll be reasonable and fair. Each culture inhabits one specific part of the island, shaping their way of life, with what creatures they interact, and the way the human( type)s appear and behave. [Hider=Fire]The lands of fire are arid and mountainous. This makes it prime habitat for Dragons and dwarves, but also goblin-kind and a mysterious humanoid race with magical inclination commonly referred to as Fire Elves, Dracokin, or Dracans. This particular race is hard to classify, as an individual may have a varied amount of dragon like features and magical influence. Because of their limited resources, personal possession is held in high regard in this highly militaristic society. They are very skilled at building and can be quite intelligent, although it is rarely for the good of all. Due to their inclination towards technical process, they often try and harvest the forest for fuel.[/Hider] [Hider=Earth]The lands of earth are dusty and punishing on the surface, covered with mysterious ruins. However, the people do not live on the surface, but underground in caves. The people revere animals like the Cave Lion and Bear, and dwell in mineral rich grounds. Their skin is patterned and shaped to blend in with various minerals, and they rarely speak without mentioning some form of stone or another unless matters are rather grave. Due to a dispute with the damming of the river, they hold disdain for those who dwell in the water.[/Hider] [Hider=Plains]The Plains are the lands of humans. Under stormy skies, they learned to harness the power of lightning in powerful magic. They value order and structure, as is evident in their structured buildings and heavily enforced class system. They take pride in their metalwork, and are diverse, if ununified, but take great pride in their ingenuity. They revere the swiftness of the gryphon, even if plains gryphons are only magical constructs and not true animals. Their magical variety is low, but what they do have is strong, even if it takes a while to prepare at times.[/Hider] [Hider=Forest]The Forest is home to a great number of creatures, all of whom live naturally. They do their best to preserve their home, and take great measures of trade and craft to make sure it stays the way it is. Due to this, poverty and crime are essentially absent among the elves, and the other beings with whom they have made peace. With their ability to manipulate live wood, they have no need to disturb the land to make home. Deep mysterious energy lives deep in the forest, and the inhabitants do their best to live in harmony with it.[/Hider] [Hider=Water]Beneath the sea in a fortress upon the back of a giant crab, live a populace of aquatic humans and other such merfolk. They make their work in the rivers and tides of their land, with enchantment flowing through every aspect of their lives. Swiftly adaptable, yet forceful when they need to be, the people of the water are nothing to be trifled with, even though they have the potential to be very kindly.[/Hider] [Hider=Wind]The culture of the wind is a peculiar thing. It changes like the breeze, with an odd, unstable core of liberal-art. Due to their land being mostly made of crumbling mountains, they live on peak homes or in villages suspended in the clouds. Whether by being fae, having wings, or wind magic, most here can fly, and various large birds, such as eagles, being strongly revered. With their mutable philosophy, they are often at odds with the structured ways of the Plains.[/Hider] [Hider=Light]The people of light value purity and would rather protect themselves by distracting or redirecting aggressors rather than fight them head on if at all possible. They hold in their hands the holiest power, and have the balance of the island ever on their mind.[/Hider] [Hider=Dark]In the treacherous wetlands to the west, Marsh Striders and Swamp Walkers scrape together their meager living from amongst the undead infested bogs and lifeless swamp forests. Their language is smooth and soft, making it easy to believe, and thus easy for its users to lie. However, those who dwell in these dark lands are not well trusted by the rest in the island.[/Hider] Each culture answers to a greater power by way of the Council of Lords. When matters arise, the Lords of each Realm gather in the Tower of Unity to discuss the correct course of actions. For a matter to be fully addressed which would result in punitive or military action by the Council as a whole, at least three parties must be able to confirm the matter. [Hider= EmptyCS] Name: Gender: Realm: Position: Appearance: Description: (History, Bio, Personality... that kind of stuff.) Equipment: (Armor, weapons, tools, things they carry and such.) Skills: (Magic, combat techniques if any, building or making/fixing things,) [/Hider] So, who's interested?