Max cursed himself, he should have been paying more attention. Stupid! Maybe they didn't notice and he would just have to sneak past. [i] "Come on out boyo, I ain't got all day, Ain't gonna hurtcha, neither, " [/i] So much for that. It was a woman's voice. She sounded as if she were sincere, but you could never really be sure. People were downright dangerous and Max didn't feel very trusting as of late. Max stayed where he was. It was possible they would mistake him for the local wildlife or something. He'd prefer it if he had a plan that didn't rely on pure hope, but for now, this would have to do. The other person at the church spoke up, Max didn't hear all of what he said, but he got the important part. [i]"Maybe it was just an animal."[/i] "Please listen to him," He thought to himself. Max waited 5 seconds, six. He thought things were dying down until... [i]"Don't shoot. Oi'm a doctor an' oi nade supplies. oi followed this man 'ere in de trash 'opin' ter find food an' water. i'll 'ayle any wounds if necessary as collateral. Oi'm peaceful. oi mean naw 'arm."[/i] Apparently Max had been followed. He [i]really[/i] needed to work on being more careful. It was becoming an issue. Regardless, he had no choice anymore. "Alright, I'm getting up. Don't shoot me either!" He rose up from behind the rock slowly, hands raised above his head, and examined the whole situation. There was a man with gun at the ready but not yet primed to shoot, And a huge woman wielding a spear. Off to the side there was another woman, who Max assumed was his tail. But he only glimpsed at her because he was now focused entirely on the two weapons aimed at his general direction. He wasn't afraid for his life, but if a fight broke out, who knew how much more attention it would gather. "Uh, Hi. I don't want any trouble."