Entering the town with a deer slung over his shoulder, Ghas gave a friendly nod to the guard at the gate. Rarely had he seen the guard quetion soemone bringing food to his village. Ghas quickly found the inn he was looking for: The Galvinizing Spirit. The kind of inn he liked. You could immerse yourself in the company of others, but also choose to stay outside of it. These inns were a home to all kinds of personalities. After entering the inn Ghas quickly spotted Thaddeus talking with two others sitting at his table. Ghas decided to get everyone another drink before sitting down himself. Walking up to the bar, he unceremoniously dropped his deer on the counter. With a disapproving stare, the innkeeper came up to him. "So whaddya want, dwarf?" he asked gruffly. "I'd like to trade, good sir" responded Ghas. "For a round of drinks for me and my friends" he continued. The innkeeper gave the deer a rough inspection, checking for injuries which might lower the quality of the meat. None were to be found. "Hmpf. This is good meat you got here. Your drinks are on their way." Replied the innkeeper. Ghas, pleased that his bear trap had performed so well, nodded and waved to Thaddeus' table: "I'll be over there, good man." With a final nod, the innkeeper retreated. Ghas walked up to to Thaddeus and gave him a hearty slap on the back. "Well met my friend! Care to introduce me to your friends?"