Rasca beckoned for Superior to come closer, and ordered him to quickly dash at the Beedrill blocking Leon's way. After thoroughly giving Leon a tongue lashing, she raced after the middle Beedrill, knocking her full force into it's back as she pummeled it to the ground. The final Beedrill tried to pierce Rasca's arm with it's stinger as she fell, but it missed by a hair's length. Growling at Bulbasaur and Leon, she knocked them out of the opening Superior had made for them. There was enough room for Nido to come back in and help, though Rasca had no control over what she did. Superior however, was able to come by her side and fight the other two Beedrill. The third one had finally become battled enough to be knocked out. "Hey Leon, now that you're done risking yourself for those two pokemon, why don't you come in here again?!" Honestly, she couldn't be more upset at him for going in the midst of the melee. Now was not the time to show it, as they still had to fight the remaining pokemon. She did not want the bulbasaur to come back into the fight however, because Leon had just told it that he would get them out of there. They would lose it's trust if he went back on his promise now. At least, that's what she thought. To make it easy for the pokemon to choose, Rasca called out once more. "If the Bulbasaur feels like it can help, that would really be appreciated!" Two Beedrill's left, and Rasca was running out of options to use as attacks. [i]'Why didn't we stock up on more stuff at the store?'[/i] Superior seemed to be fine energy wise. Though she wasn't sure when he would begin to tire out. The only thing that bothered her, was the fact that she had been hit at least once by their poison sting. She vented a bit of her frustration off at Leon. "Come with me to the forest he says! It'll be a fun adventure, he says!" In retrospect, Rasca was having a lot of fun. Pain was a factor that could be ignored for the moment. She had mentioned that fighting pokemon herself, would be amazing... so there wasn't much to complain about.