Blandman is here to save the day! [b]Agent Name:[/b] Daniel Grey [b]Agent Country of Origin:[/b] United Kingdom [b]D.O.B:[/b] 21/11/1961 [b]ID No.:[/b] #0678366 [b]D.O.D:[/b] 1991 [b]Prior (Cold War) Employment:[/b] UK Army (Engineer) [b]Current Employment:[/b] Barman at The Salty Cervice Inn [b]Agent Biography:[/b] Born in Brixton, London, Daniel's early life was a mixed state of affairs. A good family provided him a warm place to stay, but his close group of friends usually found themselves on the wrong side of the law. Nothing more serious than common assault, but enough to gain a bit of a record in his teenage years. School was a nuisance and there was little to do outside of it, and few prospects for a decent job for a lad of his disposition. So the army was inevitable really. Never mind the fact it was a running theme in his family (dating back to his great-grandfather), but really they were the only people who would even take him on. At the age of 18, in 1979, Daniel joined the Royal Engineers, got shaped up something fierce by his Sergeant Major and learned the trade as a Mechanical Engineer. He bloody loved it. The grease, the cogs, all the bits in-between. He'd never had any idea how much he'd like it, nor how much of a knack he had for the task. The combat side of things was just seen as a necessary evil in his eyes. Something he had to go through, but never really took much notice of. When the Falklands War kicked off, Daniel was shipped off to the front. This was where his 'power' would shine through. During the Battle of Goose Green, Daniel was taken by surprise by an Argentine conscript soldier. The bullet, which should have been his end, passed straight through and into the rock formation behind him. With both men baffled, the enemy soldier dropped his weapon and surrendered, terrified of what he had witnessed. The event was also viewed by Daniel's squad and commanding officer, who included it in a report. This little known report was picked up by Project Deimos, who subtlety took the young soldier aside when the Falklands was done. They explained their purpose, goals, aims, mission as it were and implored Daniel to sign-up. He did so and gained himself some valuable experience in the process. Unknown to him (but very much known to the Project) his grand-father had been involved decades ago after exhibiting the same power (though being able to use it much better). His father had also been monitored, but after showing no signs of inheriting the power, the Project deemed it not to be hereditary. It seemed it had just skipped a generation. After intensive training, Daniel was deployed in the Gulf War to 'test out' his newly honed powers. Though he still couldn't Phase separate body parts, he could still confer the ability to objects as big as a jeep (even preventing one from being hit by a rocket), and he proved a terror at breaching rooms being able to literally jump through a wall and take the enemy at complete unawares. Though a massive success, by the time he returned it was all over. Project Deimos was finished. The war was over before it had even started. Daniel was, of course, relieved. No-one wanted a mass nuclear war. But there was still that little niggling part of him which resented not being able to really flex his muscles as it were. He, along with other agents, was shipped off to Teplee, where he settled into the role of a Barman. He had been offered a mechanic position, but refused. His love for all things mechanical was now to remain as his own little hobby, and no-one else's business. That isn't to say people don't ask him for help with little tasks. Psych Evaluation: Daniel is a crusader with no cause to fight anymore. He is, essentially, obsolete and this weighs heavily on the man. The thought manifests itself as him being rather dour, continually surly and generally a rather unpleasant chap to anyone who he doesn't consider a friend. People only talk to them if they absolutely want a drink, or if they have a mechanical problem they just can't fix. Otherwise, Daniel has just about distanced himself from everyone else, even former lovers and friends. [b]Physical features:[/b] A mop of messy dirt-blonde hair grows just past his ears but is well-maintained, as is his beard (which seems mandatory for most men in Teplee). His deep set green eyes are constantly hidden underneath a scowl, his strong jaw and chin covered by previously mentioned beard. Though having lost some muscles from negligence, Daniel is still physically fit (for his age). He usually wears a variety of checkered-shirt, dirty old jeans and simple brown leather boots. These are accompanied by a bomber jacket and padded cap when outside, as well as sturdy leather gloves. [b]‘Lassus’ Power:[/b] 'Phasing' - Daniel possesses the power to become incorporeal for a stretch of time. His longest recorded time is six hours, at which point he needed a toilet break and stopped, so it is unknown if there is any time limit. He is able to pass through solid objects, or allow them to pass through him, whether it be a stone, bullet, rocket or person. As previously mentioned the largest object he can confer this power to is a jeep, and he is yet to learn how to get the power to affect just certain parts of his body. [b]Purposes this ability served during wartime:[/b] Enforcer/Combat Operative. Daniel would have been tasked with taking part in raids, ambushes and other combat related operations. He may also have been used for minor infiltration ops. [b]Notes:[/b] Daniel maintains an impressive fleet of vehicles, with two jeeps, a car and a motorbike, all lovingly maintained. He's also partial to some hunting when the season is right, and therefore owns a hunting rifle.