[hider=Character Sheet Eeiys] [center][u]Character Sheet[/u] [i]Essential Information[/i] [img=http://www.gameranx.com/img/13-Apr/dark-souls-2.jpg] [i][b]Eeiys of Uacteir[/b]. 'Exile of The Gate', 'Lost in the Summer' (And yes, that is pronounced 'Ice') [/i] [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 29 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Eeiys stands at a fairly average height for a warrior of The Gate, just shy of 5’11” with pale skin and dark hair to match his wintery homeland. Muscular and somewhat gruff looking, Eeiys is what some would consider as a fairly typical looking fighting type. However, many would consider a vast majority of these details somewhat irrelevant, as within recent months, Eeiys has become more and more bitter following his Exile. Whenever he is seen, he does not show his face; he prefers instead to keep his armour fully suited at all times, helmet included, which obscures nearly all of his face and makes it hard to notice any distinguishing features. Although Eeiys takes all necessary precautions to maintain a low profile, he seems remarkably attached to the unique helm of the Winter Knights of The Gate, which he keeps as a reminder of his decades in their service. The design, although rather plain to the untrained eye, is easily recognisable to any knowledgable, academics, or pilgrims to the Far North. His armour is vastly different to the full plate mail worn by other Winter Knights, even if his set is really only a heavily modified version of such a set. Instead of being covered head-to-toe in Ballaen Steel, Eeiys’ armour is only a partial covering of plate with integrated chainmail in areas, complete with padded leather and furs that enabled mobility and maintenance of warmth on the long, lonely trek southward after his Exile. [url=http://media.edge-online.com/wp-content/uploads/edgeonline/2012/12/Dark-Souls-II.jpg]Or if you like images![/url] [b]Personality:[/b] While it is never wise to assume that an Exiled Knight will accept others with open arms and easily connect with those along his way, it would also be foolish to assume that one bad experience, however traumatic, can destroy a man’s will utterly. Some say that Eeiys, like his name would suggest, is as cold as the ice in his homeland. Others will tell you that he still believes in mankind and that they do have a future ahead of them, gods or no; and that he will risk himself to light the spark of independence throughout his race, free from the archaic grip of squabbling beings from an age long forgotten. This leads to a very odd mix of preconceptions about him, that he is unnaturally stoic but still a very wise and level headed man. Nobody can say for sure though, as he never stays in one place for very long and those he surrounds himself with tend to suffer from extremely shortened lives. [b]History:[/b] Those in Uacteir who are born of notable families, particularly those of the glimmering city of The Gate, are often taken in by the famous and rightly feared Winter Knights, a holy order of warriors, trained nearly from birth, to protect and serve those in the Far North regions of Enduwin. Those within the Winter Knights are known as incredible religious warriors who use their devout zealotry to uphold their city-states and their reputation. Devotion to the gods has always been a core principle to the Winter Knights; an understandable premise, given the close proximity to the haven of the Gods. This leads to many problems when a respected Winter Knight nurtures thoughts of heresy deep in his soul. Or, if you are like Eeiys, when you reject the Gods entirely. Not express disbelief; [i]reject[/i] Born to the powerful and influential family of Silverstar, Eeiys lost all birthrights and titles bestowed upon him by law when he was taken in by the Winter Knights shortly after his Crystal Baptism, and quickly rose through the lowly ranks through prowess and devotion alone to become one of the most feared Winter Knights of his day. Nobody knows exactly what happened to Eeiys to change his mind in such a radical fashion, or if anything happened at all, but on his 27th Cycle of Solas, he disappeared into the darkness of night, taking with him Frost, one of the holy relics held at the centre spire of The Gate. After realising such transgressions, the Winter Knights were quick to name him ‘Lost in the Summer’, a derogatory title given to deserters, and on principle, was named an exile of the state. Searches were conducted for months in a vain attempt to find Eeiys and the blade he had taken, but to little avail. Nobody knows where he disappeared to, or why, especially given his promising future. Only he really knows, though it is commonplace to hear in local stories that the Archknight Valius caught Eeiys as he deserted the Winter Knights with Frost in hand, and challenged him to single combat. Nobody knows if such claims are true, and the outcome of the duel if so, but in the shadiest corners of Uacteir Balla, brave individuals will tell you the the Exile Knight forced one of the greatest swordsmen to ever to live to yield before vanishing southward for some unknown purpose… [i]Optional Information[/i] [b]Equipment:[/b] Altered Ballaen Steel armour, Frost.* [i]*Frost is a renowned blade, well known among pilgrims and Winter Knights for it’s unusual properties and unknown origin. While it looks extremely mundane, just like any other blade with no noticeable ostentation, Frost is known for being extremely, and almost unnaturally sharp and, as far as anyone knows, unbreakable. It is capable of impacting materials of magical nature in ways that mundane weapons cannot. It is in no way a fancy or elegant weapon, but the latent power of the blade is unexplainable by most. (The blade is also deathly cold to the touch, though it is more than likely just a magical illusion, with no real application.) Some nay-sayers claim it is merely because of an old forge technique lost to time that gives the weapon it’s unusual effectiveness; some say it is down to the wielder. Other, more wild speculators suggest the weapon itself is made from solid Sand of Trayig, though such outrageous claims can only be wild fantasies of dreamers. truthfully, nobody knows why the blade is as it is, but most agree that the blade is in some way magical. Those who have had the rare chance to spend time with Eeiys on his journey almost all know this to be exclusively true, as sometimes, just sometimes, and on the darkest of nights, you can see the frigid blade glow faintly blue from within… [/i] [b]Faction (If any):[/b] Ex Winter Knight [b]Marital Status:[/b] N/A [b]Magic (Mundane or Arcane):[/b] Mundane [b]Skills:[/b] Incredible swordsman, among other Knightly talents such as being a snarky potato. Trained in all forms of combat, including how to combat spell casters. See faction sheet for details on training. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Faction Sheet Winter Knights][center] [i]Faction/Organisation Sheet[/i] [b]Essential Information[/b] [img=http://i58.tinypic.com/fksnma.jpg] [b]The Winter Knights[/b] [i]‘Vanguards of The Gate’ ‘Sentinels of Winter’.[/i] [b]Location:[/b] Uacteir Balla, inhabiting nearly every settlement there to some extent, though their power is most prominent in the most northern city-spire: The Gate. [b]Purpose:[/b] The Winter Knights are a warrior organisation devoted entirely to defending The Gate (both the city-spire and the gigantic wall separating Neyav fron Enduwin) from any and all who would do it harm; as well as any traitors or known heretics. They excel at hunting down those individuals who could be particularly dangerous to the safety of Uacteir Balla, and also at crushing larger forces who come to the Far North seeking glory or riches. The Winter Knights consider themselves to be the rightfully appointed guardians of the Gods and as such they see themselves as the most fearsome warriors in the land, though this is still a point that is up for speculation. All Winter Knights are trained in a vast number of combat forms and styles, as well as more unusual techniques for unusual situations, such as being trained in combating spellcasters and necromancers, fighting while heavily outnumbered, and techniques for defending oneself against dark influence of Dûv and his followers. [b]History:[/b] Originally a small band of clerical warriors who were some of the first to inhabit the then-uninhabited land, they had come to the Far North in order to be closer to their faith. With the proximity to what can only be regarded as a true and very real holy place, the clerics’ devotion only grew with time, becoming a totally devout order of warriors within the first century of their occupation of the Far North. Some believe it to be the presence of the Winter Knights that inspired any sort of civilisation to rise up in the frozen wastes in the first place, but the true origins of man in the North are ‘forgotten’, maybe even covered up by the same order who supposedly planted the seed. Many pilgrims to Uacteir Balla come to see the Winter Knights standing guard eternally at The Gate as a symbol of eternal devotion, and they strive to reach a level of faith that the Winter Knights demonstrate daily. The Sentinels of Winter are surely the pinnacle of faith and ferocity… [i]Optional Information[/i] [b]Key Members:[/b] [i][b]Archknight Valius[/b] The leader of the legendary Winter Knights, Archknight Valius is widely regarded as the most devoted religious figure in the modern world, almost taking on a sort of papal role towards pilgrims and the masses alike. Many look up to him for guidance and training considering his vast experience, knowledge and combat skill. His name is known throughout Enduwin, bearing the prestige of being potentially the best swordsman to ever live. Supporters of the Archknight will tell you that he has never been bested in combat and that he has slain true wizards in single combat without breaking a sweat. Though such rumours cannot be true, it does give comfort to the people to believe that such a noble, ferocious figure looks out for them. Those who reject Valius as the demigod he would have you believe, will share stories of an Exiled knight who shamed Valius in combat on the darkest winter night… [b]Intrius, Curator of the Gallery of Ice[/b] The Gallery of Ice is the legendary hall of relics at the heart of The Gate in Uacteir Balla, a grand collection of magical items from a time long ago, and items claimed by the Winter Knights on their Pale Crusades over the years. Such items include the mystical ‘Siren of Snowfall’, a warhorn supposedly capable of bringing the wrath of Olyaer upon a land, the ‘Icewall’, a mysterious tower shield made entirely of perfectly clear, crystal ice that has so far proven to be incapable of melting, and, most notably, ‘Frost’, a rather mundane looking longsword with a series of particularly potent magical enhancements and a yet undiscovered latent power within. The blade was recently stolen, leading the curator of the Gallery of Ice to near madness with rage. [/i] [b]Advantages:[/b] Famous and world renowned for being extremely proficient and devoted warriors with little mercy for traitors and heretics. They are intimidating in their homeland, but the presence of any force of Winter Knights further south is enough to make even a local lord tremble in his boots. -Deadly warriors trained to combat conventional fighters and casters / necromancers- [b]Disadvantages:[/b] The devotion of the majority of the Winter Knights prevents them from taking any action they deem to not be blessed by the Gods. -Ignore many political affairs, and only involve themselves in situations which directly offend their beliefs, even if they could be fighting for a good cause- [b]Ranks: [/b] Initiates into the Winter Knights, shortly after their Crystal Baptism, are known by the title: ‘Crystallite’ until their 15th Cycle of Solas, 12th if they show particular affinity with the order. Beyond Crytsallite, the Knights are divided into eight tiers to show respect to the eight gods that are deemed honourable. They are as follows: 1: [b]Drift Knight[/b] (254 Drift Knights) 2: [b]Ice Knight[/b] (128 Ice Knights) 3: [b]Crystal Knight[/b] (64 Crystal Knights) 4: [b]Glacial Knight[/b] (32 Glacial Knights) 5: [b]Frozen Knight[/b] (16 Frozen Knights) 6: [b]Avalan Uacteir[/b] (4 Avalan. Eeiys was a member of this rank) 7: [b]First Knight[/b] (2 First Knights) 8: [b]Archknight[/b] (1 Archknight) Each rank is subordinate to the one above. [b]Rules/Laws:[/b] Each Winter Knight follows the strict orders of his superior ranks. But they also hold the creed of the Gods as their laws, staying true to the teachings of each. The greatest sin one can commit is to reject the gods and show heresy, those who do are swiftly put to death… only one has ever escaped this fate… [/center] [/hider]