I'm fine with having a magical being or two in the party, but the character I'll be playing will essentially be a guide like wizard character who's purpose will be to push the plot forward. Oh and I'll be playing villains too. Anyone interested in playing the otherside, PM me. The edits add a lot of reading to this post, don't be afraid, I know people love text walls :rollin Edit:: Here is the Race, and specific character that I mentioned. Might get other people's creative juices flowing. [hider=Farrgorm] [b]Overview:[/b] The Farrgorm, also called Far and Farrg, are a tall dark skinned species native to the south-western lands of Enduwin. A typical male stands at around six foot tall and females can reach heights as great as seven. Skin tones vary from dark blue to grey and pitch black, depending on the geographical lineage of the individual. Differences in facial features between genders are minimal other than the more protruding jaw of the male and the noticeably pointed ears of the females. As a whole, the Farrgorm are a species that values brain over brawn but there are nonetheless countless exceptions to this rule, despite their somewhat frail nature in comparison to other species such as the dwarves or centaurs. The average lifespan of a Farrgorm is approximately 89 human years, or fifteen Awth-gnúth. The Awth-gnúth is a biological transition which every Farrg goes through roughly every six human years. Over their lives, the cells of the Farrg deteriorate at a much greater rate than those of humans, dwarves or elves. After this six year period, they have reached senility and Awth-gnúth is a three week long process in which cellular regeneration occurs throughout the body very rapidly. Afterwards, the individual will be returned to a condition relatively close to their physical prime. The average times that a single Farrg can do this is 15, hence the expected lifespan. Actual numbers fluctuate between 12 and 17 depending on lifestyle and socio-economic factors. There have been recorded incidents as high as 20. A Farrg going through less than 10 Awth-gnúth is rare enough that it is almost always due to death caused by disease or injury. [b]Species Traits: [/b] • [i][b]Rebirth-Regression;[/i][/b] The Farrg’s unique biological process and evolution is both a gift and a curse. Each will reach and live through, hopefully, six peaks of physical health and fitness. This period usually lasts for about two and a half human years of the six between each Awth-gnúth. This means the average time a Farrg spends at peak condition is roughly 35-40 human years. However, conversely, they’ll will spend the other 45-50 in a senile state. Essentially there is no ‘middle-age’ within the species and ‘youth’ is a concept only ever associated with 1st cycles. • [b][i]Brain Over Brawn;[/i][/b] Even shortly after Awth-gnúth, a Farrg is no physical match for a human, let alone a centaur. However, they do obtain impressive intellect and are known to be competent magic users, when the rare circumstance of a true mage being born amongst them does occur. Their biology means they don’t have one youth of experience and one old-age of refelction; they can have over a dozen of each. Thus, after several Awth-gnúth have been undergone they show an unheard of combination of wisdom, ability and enthusiasm. The change can be as much a psychological one as it is physical, and regression through the different inherent mentalities eventually leads to a moulding of the two. [b]Speciality:[/b] [b][i]Master Traders;[/i][/b] The Farrg are experts when it comes to manipulating the rudimentary economic systems found in the various states across Enduwin. Whether as snake oil salesmen, legitimate goods traders, deceptive merchants or honest tradesmen, the Farrg are known far beyond the bounds of their native Enduwin for their ability to turn a profit. Government type: Military: Economy: [b]Religion:[/b] The religion major of Enduwin, Nonatheoism, is best described as neo-pantheistic-agnosticism. Everyone knows the tales of the Nonatheon and pays great heed to them but, within everyday life, criticism and analysis of the stories and theories are welcomed. To the Farrgorm their deities have tangible form, communication with Neyav has been recorded and Ifreann is truly thought to exist beneath Enduwin. The criticism comes in the form of explaining these phenomenon, and the deities themselves through theory and postulation based on a mix of science, magic and theology. One of the core beliefs is that the Nine conclusively exist but their nature and status as gods is debatable. There exists churches dedicated both to individual god(ess)s and the Pantheon as a whole. These churches are all overseen by a central organisation known as the Shapayl. Over 98% of Farrg are members of the Shapayl and one’s stature within the organisation is of great importance socially, especially in political terms. Society: Ideology: [/hider] [hider=Shankee] Essential Information [b]Name/Aliases:[/b] Shankee Finscayl : The Storyteller : Old man shank [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Farrgorm [b]Age:[/b] 2nd Stage of 17th Awth-Gnuth (Approx: 99 in human years) [b]Appearance: [/b] Shankee stands at just under seven foot tall. In his 1st stages he strides comfortably and hold his height with a stout gait. However, in his 2nd stages, akin to senility in humans, he relies on a birch walking staff to help him hold himself up. His skin is a dark grey shade, appearing almost black at night only been revealed for its true tone when Solas’ light strikes it at dawn. His skin is fractured and wrinkled in places, especially his brow, which has as many crags as the Olc. Shankee tends to don a robe of similar colour to his skin, a dirty grey, when he ventures outside. Beneath this he wears soft leather garments that he considers both comfortable and practical. Farrgs’ hair doesn’t deteriorate the same as a humans and his light brown locks offer contrast to the rest of his rather drab appearance. The storyteller’s eyes are deep set within their sockets, yellow in hue and with more than a twinkle of knowledge. [b]Personality:[/b] Currently, as in all his 2nd states, Shankee keeps to himself for the most part, in his humble two storey shack on the foot of the Olcs’ eastern slope, right on the border between the Plains and DuFair. He is by no means an introvert, in fact he most enjoys company and welcomes almost any visitors into his home. However, he is quite eccentric and radical which tends to mean people don’t bother him that much. About once a week he will greet a traveller, either someone looking for refuge or someone who had specifically pilgrimaged to hear word from the storyteller himself. In his 1st stages the Farrg sets out across Enduwin in search of more lore, more stories and tomes in order to increase his knowledge of the Gods, the origins of Enduwin and the faith of the land he inhabits. [b]History:[/b] Shankee Finscayl was born to average parents in an average town of average Farrgorm in the Zephyr Plains. The second son of three, Shankee was raised in a happy home if somewhat simple home. His father was older than his mother by a couple human years, meaning he would pass into new stages and new Awth-Gnuths many months before his mother. Both of his brothers were born closer in synch with their father’s cycle but Shankee’s was only a few weeks apart from his mothers. The synching of cycles tends to dictate associations and connections within Farrgorm society; those in 1st stages are more likely to share mind-sets and interests with others in the same stage. Although this becomes a much less prominent concept in later Awth-Gnuths, for the first few it is very crucial to the development of young Farrg. Thus, much of Shankee’s youth was spent with his mother. She taught him the arts of reading and writing, and importance and meaning behind them. In his first 2nd stage he quickly became a fluid weaver of tales, factual and fictional. Shankee had a talent for taking information and turning it into art, the very essence of early story tellers. His mother recognised his talents and discussed it with his father. It was his father who suggested that Shankee be given the chance to let his talents prosper. They were a family of menial labourers, but nonetheless, Shankee’s mother, father and older brother Lloire, all pitched together to pay for Shankee’s tutelage in the local branch of the Bard’s Guild. Shankee was nervous at the prospect of leaving his family behind but equally excited at the idea of getting out of the life he thought had been laid before him. His apprehension quickly diminished when his studies began in earnest. He was afforded a monthly visit home, which at first was a highlight of his months, but quickly became less and less meaningful to him. At the Guild, Shankee learned of and how to use two other talents he was born with; music and magic. He was a mean lute player, and found the ability to wield some potent magic. Shankee cared little for magical pursuits, and instead gravitate towards his music and his historical knowledge. It wasn’t long before his music and tale weaving were earning him enough of an income to pay for his own tutelage. Three years after he first enrolled, entering his third Awth-Gnuth, he graduated as a fully chartered Bard of the Hullis Bard’s Guild. Returning home, Shankee brought several slivers of pure silver that he had been paid for a commission with, and gave them, along with his lute to his family as repayment for their encouragement and financial support. Shankee apologised for not having visited in nearly a year, and then informed them he was leaving again, likely for good. Very little information exists about Shankee’s life since then up to the point, twenty one years ago, that he settled in his current abode. In the years that proceeded he quickly gained a significant renown across the plains for being an invaluable source of information, a wise man of sage advice and a beautiful story teller. He seems to not work, or request any payment for his services yet his home is always full of food, complete with a hearty fire. Now he spends in 1st cycles wandering the plains meeting new people, and gathering information and his 2nd cycles in his home resting and relaxing. Optional Information [b]Equipment:[/b] A six foot birch staff with a gnarled top that smothers a pristine jet jewel. A simple wooden lute. A satchel with various writing implements and paper. His favourite travelling hat. [b]Faction:[/b] Regarded as a Master of the Bard’s Guild. However, the guild has faded recently as has Shankee’s association with it. [b]Marital Status:[/b] Unknown. [b]Magic:[/b] Many people claim to have seen him perform various simple tricks. [/hider] EDIT 2.0 :: Here is a combined location/faction sheet. [b][u]Eeha Cathur & Fola Shlua[/b][/u] [hider=Eeha Cathur][img]http://turnlol.com/images/2012/10/fantasy-mountains-snow-cityscapes-artwork-fresh-hd-wallpaper.jpg[/img][/hider] Essential Information [b]Location:[/b] Nestled atop Olc Cairn sits a city almost as old as the mountains themselves. Whilst not on a peak of the mountains, the city of Eeha Cathur sits far above the shores of the Encircling Ocean and only nary few treacherous paths exist to reach it. [b]Purpose:[/b] Currently serves as the home of the Fola Shlua. [b]History:[/b] Eeha Cathur has its origins in the very earliest days of Enduwin as a land without gods. When life began to become more self-aware and the various races of Enduwin came into their own, the Olc Cairn, or Black Mountains in the common tongue, were surprisingly one of the first places settled. So long as there have been humans, elves, orcs, dwarves and every other kind of creature, there have been those with a perverted attraction to power and evil. There is no greater symbol of hatred or malice in all of Enduwin the Olc Cairn, and as such the mist covered crags attracted malcontents and miscreants from all over the land. Initially the area where Eeha Cathur sits was dotted with habitations little more than villages, outposts from whish raiders struck the plains and shadowing nooks where criminals hid from those pursuing them. Over time, crime began to pay and many tradesmen took notice, realising the potential of wealth being hoarding between the mountains spurs. These factors attracted more people, a wider range of people from all across Enduwin. Within decades what had once been dozens of unconnected bandit camps and smuggler’s dens became a thriving village that in turn developed into a bustling stone built city. No matter how many others have inhabited the area, regardless of how long has passed, Eeha Cathur still retains its dark roots, and to this day is a haven to criminals and death worshippers alike. The Fola Shlua is a new iteration of an ancient sect that was born in the mountains along with the beginnings of Eeha Cathur. The city and the Shlua are synonymous to most people outside the city, and within its walls only the prudish citizens care to point out the difference. The Shlua occupy almost every key position in the city; councilmen, merchants and soldiers alike. The Fola Shlua is based around the key tenet that death can be circumvented. Many people beyond the mountains derogatorily refer to them as ‘necromancers’, ‘necros’ and ‘deathies’. For hundreds of years the Shlua were an open active organisation mostly consisting of the bandits and sellswords that lived in early Eeha Cathur. Death was a part of everyday life for these people and they become absorbed with the concept of preventing it. No records remaining that name a propagator or point of origin for what has become a religion, but there are accounts of figures spreading the word through the mountains, these men were known as Crea. Over time as more ‘civilised’ people came to settle the mountains, in search of a piece of its fortunes, the ways of the Fola Shlua faded. Worship of other deities and belief in nothing began to seep in and take over, yet there was always a noticeable percentage of those living in Eeha Cathur who believed in the immortal promises of the Crea. It was about two centuries ago, although the precise date, like much to do with the Fola Shlua is a little ambiguous, a new Crea arose in Eeha Cathur. An elf, by the name of Sachras began to gain a following, small at first as he whispered word of everlasting life and sowed seeds of belief once more. In the decades the followed, the Fola came to the fore once more, extending its tendril like grasp over many influential figures in the mountain society. Sachras was a proactive thinking man and understood that preaching and promises wouldn’t be enough. He began manipulating the Shlua as he saw fit, and hoarded the gold used as indulgences. This new Fola Shlua was much more organised and posed a far greater danger than any iteration before it. It has been three decades since Sachras passed. Now the Fola Shlua is led by numerous Crea of varying power and influence. Some continue to preach the assurance of living forever, but others manipulate their followers like the very earliest settlers of the Olc Cairn, employing them as sellswords and bandits. Optional Information [b]Key Members:[/b] There are currently several dozen Crea throughout the mountains each considering themselves to be a key figure. [b]Advantages:[/b] The Fola Shlua have one of the largest collections of knowledge on the subject of death. The Crea who lead their congregations in a warlike fashion are known to be brutal and intelligent. [b]Disadvantages:[/b] There is incredible stigma surrounding the Shlua and Eeha Cathur throughout the rest of Enduwin. [b]Ranks:[/b] Each Crea tends to organise their followers differently.