Gonna just.. sliddee on in here.. [hider=SOMETHING I AM MAKING PLZ DON'T LOOK][b]Basic Information[/b] Name: Cyril Martin Age: 21 Sex: Male Birthplace: Fraux Profession: Squire Caste: Knight [b]Physical Description[/b] Cyril is a rather lanky man who some would still refer to as a boy, with jet black hair and two thick caterpillars sitting atop a pair of emerald green eyes. With a rather large nose and thin lips encased by a slight beard that has began to show on his almost baby-like face. Standing about 6'00'' flat, Cyril can easily be described as large but still doesn't seem to grasp his entire body yet often underestimating his strength and occasionally losing his footing or underestimating his height. Being raised as a squire, Cyril's body is hardened and accustomed to the tasks of a warrior and he can defend himself as one would. [b]Character Story[/b] [b]Equipment – Combat [/b] Weaponry: [list][*]Claymore - The large two-handed weapon built for pure power which he keeps attached on his belt in an old leather sheath. The blade itself extends out to a flat 7'00'' and weighing 20 lbs. Although large and 'unwieldy' Cyril was raised to fight with the blade in both a two-handed and single-handed fashion. Occasionally he has even been known to manage the use of his shield with the massive weapon. [/*][*]War Hammer - A large war hammer some even go as on to call a maul. Built to completely devastate anyone clad in full iron armor. Cyril uses this weapon to combat other knights wearing armor similar to his own.The war hammer is meant to be used with the shield he carries, which are both affixed by belts to his back.[/*][/list] Armour: Auxiliary: [b]Abilities – Physical [/b] Passive Ability – Name: Vitality - Having been able to live a privileged life under the eyes of his Knight and still being in the prime of his youth. Cyril is very in shape and boasts a healthy body with a good immune system. Passive Ability – Name: Passive Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: [b]Abilities – Magical [/b] Passive Ability – Name: Passive Ability – Name: Passive Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: Activated Ability – Name: [/hider]