[center][img=http://i.imgur.com/V9AIQ2M.png][/center] Veti only smiled slyly and shook her head, not even bothering to look over her shoulder as Nestor's No-name demoness made to come her way. Apparently obscenity growled under her breath wasn't too-terribly-appreciated - go figure - and she felt the whisper of her cold, furious chill as she approached. The werewolf sighed with exasperation when she realized Nestor was drawing his wayward soul back. Maybe it was a 'girl thing,' but Veti had never seem the demoness' charm and - beyond that one small moment with Max's motorcycle boots after he first died - had never understood her appeal to her lover, beyond the obvious extension she was of Nestor's being. Now Nestor? Oh, there was precious little Veti wouldn't do for the guy, ever. He had been one of Max's few friends, friends by choice, and that alone made the man a treasure. But the demoness? The werewolf chuckled under her breath as she pulled little Anastasia closer. It was honestly not worth the chilled breath, to argue about her proper 'predator' status with a demon like Nestor's soul. The words alone said she knew nothing of what makes a predator - or at least a wolf. Wolves are apex predators - relentless in pursuit, ruthless in the hunt, fierce in defense of their dens - but they were never [i]cruel.[/i] To even attempt to explain the difference would have been a wretched waste of time - time they were just a little short on at the moment. Semyon would see to Nestor, but for the moment, Anastasia had a question for the werewolf. "Wolf girl." That made Veti chuckle. [i]<"I suppose it sounds cryptic, Anastasia,">[/i] Veti said as she held the map out still, [i]<"But it's not near so strange as it might sound. The ice demon - that's his soul. He is demonspawn after all, but she hasn't even a name. Well, any more than you'd name an arm or a leg, I suppose.">[/i] [i]<"But the truth of Nestor is, that he does still have his human heart. He is a man - an extraordinary man, true, who can wield a great deal of power when he chooses. But a man nonetheless, who is also in a great deal of pain.">[/i] Veti nodded toward the never-ending flask Nestor had dropped, with a small sigh, dropping the aspect of the werewolf, the woman with hair the color of blood still easily supporting the elf's slender form. [i]<"He's a good man of the Veiled world, Anastasia. And I do hope that answers - ">[/i] At that very moment Dot piped in, naming Veti the substitute teacher-type with that eternally sardonic tone of voice the werewolf still found unspeakably endearing from a teenage girl with bubblegum pink hair. The stately Vas'o'los spoke, and took the 'key' that she hadn't even realized she carried, and placed the most lovely flower she'd ever seen in her hand. Pristine white, delicate and precious and, strangely enough, even a little warm there in the palm of her hand. Her human hand, and gently Veti let Anastasia stand to her own feet as the world dissolved, reformed to the tree. She needed no further instruction at all, the chalice formed especially for this otherworldly bloom as Veti set it almost reverently into the cradle. Yet another key of sorts, into its lock.