Blue closed her eyes as the morning sun touched the tree tops and her face, absorbing the warmth. In the distance she heard soldiers and their lady-general preparing for the day. She felt an uncustomary pang of pity for them. So much work before sunrise, poor things. A vague memory struck her of a young man celebrating his acceptance in to the army a few months before. They volunteered for that? Their own fault then, she decided. Pity dealt with, she opened her eyes to gaze upon the now golden tree tops and popped a freshly picked blackberry into her mouth. [i]Delicious.[/i] She heard her clan waking and rustling below, she was in no mood for their company. Questions, side long looks. She’d already dropped up her share of the foraging before the sun had risen. She was low on human gossip though – surely a bard was due soon? Blue made her way, quietly, from her perch, grabbed her bow and quiver and headed swiftly towards town. Her travel was quick and sure, the best place to visit so early was the Pilgrim, though she knew not if anyone was hanging about. The sign squeaked slightly as it moved with the breeze. It didn’t even look open, really. She checked her disguise, making sure she didn’t glow, wincing slightly as her stupid wings refused to be completely hidden. [i]Good thing humans are usually too dense to notice.[/i] Blue squared her shoulders and headed through the door, barely able to conceal her disappointment as she saw no bawdy tavern girl willing to regale stupid human stories and town news. A handsome, rich looking fellow was sitting at the bar, Blue felt some hang over and lusty aftertastes from him and secretly smiled. A small horned creature was waiting somewhat expectantly nearby whilst the barkeep mumbled something at it. She was here now though, she supposed, she may as well enjoy some wine and see if someone worth talking to showed up. She took a seat and waved to the tired looking attendant, pulling another chair out to put her feet on. Blue sighed, why didn’t the universe simply put what she needed, where she needed it? Sometimes life was just so [i]tiresome[/i].