Holaaaa. I'm not particularly new here, in fact, I'm not new at all. I was involved with this site previously before it was recreated(?). My old name was Lights, for anyone wondering; although you could easily find that on my profile. ^_^ I thought I'd finally return here and join an exciting roleplay with, hopefully, a good future. In other words, I'm looking to join a long term roleplay. I prefer a vast roleplay with drama, action, thrill, personal relationships, etc. I find roleplays that are specific tend not to last (This is more directed to romance roleplays... They tend to get boring when the story line is solely based on it and whatnot.) If you have any suggestions of a good one, shoot me a message! A gif for your enjoyment: [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/b0e6b17802e78e352add657bce0a5d02/tumblr_n2jrinr7DC1r3gb3zo1_400.gif[/img]