Phacia heard what Blake said and released more Grimm into the forest. The ran out of the cave like rabid dogs ready to bite a human. "Ah shit more trouble." Genya said as the other Grimm came towards them. "Here deal with them. I'll try to put out this fire." Jaune told the others. What Genya didn't know was that Jaune could use elemental magic. It came with a cost though, using a bit of your life-force. Jaune only used it when necessary and this was the time. So he conjured up a few water spells to put out the flames. "Oh yes, my daughter will certainly flip if she finds out." King Dalton said to the guards who had just told them that Ruby escaped. No, he wasn't mad, but he knew his daughter would be. Speaking of Ruby she was dashing through the tree of the Emerald forest tracking down Genya.