Frey gritted his teeth as the hot, uncomfortable feelings of anger and hatred ate at him. He should just take Asbel by the hair and hurl him off Cassius. It would be rather humorous for someone to die in such a lame way. If someone died by falling off a flying mount, they would probably be the butt of jokes far and wide for centuries! Things like that would never be normal. Before Frey was able to do anything crazy, there was a sudden dip and the prince heated the general declare they were headed down. "It's not lunch, you ninny!!" He screeched as strong arms latched onto his harness. Bracing himself, Frey closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. It was as if he had forgotten he was riding a living creature, and Cassius would not be stupid enough to plummet to the ground as if he was a stone in the sea. Once they gently landed and the cold winds died down, Frey felt to make sure none of his coat buttons had come off. Roughly, he grunted and snapped his harness open, and looked around. They were lucky to have landed in a clearing of some sort in the Snap-Spires. As Frey ignored any objections, he snickered and slid off the dragon's scaly back and scampered off to check it out. What he found was surreal. Not wandering more than twenty feet, Frey had a good look at the world around d him. The trees were black in color, and were unimaginably tall with few branches. There was some sort of white moss on the trees, and there was the scent of sap in the air along with burning firewood. Odd...