Here is my idea guys. Since things are getting big I thought we should put everything on a map. Took me a while to find this one so I deserve some cookies for my hard work :D But more relevantly here's what I think so far. The orange circle represents where the church is and where most everything happened. The Orange line going down represents the direction taken by the biker dude and the preggo teen. Down there I also assume for the Haywood Haven to be located. The RED circle represents where I believe the raider camp to be. You don't have to take my word for it, if you guys feel that my locations are off then go to the link and post where the locations truly are. This way we can get a bigger picture of what we are doing. [hider= New Orleans Map Explanation Version][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Zis google bit is so that you can see the church I am talking about, the train tracks are just to the south of it. Use it also to base your thoughts on. :D [url=,-90.0118881,23747m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!1m2!2m1!1smethodist+church!3m1!1s0x0:0xb11555071451d617] GOOGLE [/url] USE this google link to directly DRAW UPON ZE MAP LIKE A BAWZ...that is all. [url=] WRITERS PAD [/url]