Gonna post this Work in Progress (WIP) [hider="Samuel 'Sam' Mueler"] Character Sheet Essential Information Name/Aliases: Samuel "Sam" Mueler Sex: M Race: Human Age: 21 Appearance: Samuel has a rather youthful and boyish appearance, even though he's practically a man now, but that's probably because his personality never quite caught up with his age. He has short, cropped, black hair set in such a way so his longer bangs have a prominent jut as they curl out and back toward his face. His eyes are a clear-water blue that contrast nicely with his hair, but not so much it looks icy and piercing, more over empty. He's got a cute-ish nose that's rather large and button-like. He has a set of thin, but very red lips. Shoulders down he's a bit more obviously a man, black hair covering his pale arms and legs, both of which have some muscle definition padded down with "baby fat" as he calls it. His torso is characterized by narrow but square shoulders, they're sorta attractive but they're also sorta feminine, so it goes either way depending on the onlooker. He is rather long and lithe, yet he doesn't look like skin-and-bones. Sam dresses in rather loose and flamboyant clothes like most Naeri. They closely resemble what we would call middle-eastern clothing with bells and curl-toed shoes, but the cloth is embroidered with incandescent thread that shines in many shades of a crystal blue when caught in the light. The entire outfit is a mixture of purples however, with a tough leather vest over a baggy shirt. It doesn't look practical for a normal person, but those who know the Naeri understand the get-up is one worn by Naeri dancers. When he dances, Samuel is rather captivating because of it's shimmer and the way the cloth flows and folds. On occasion he sheds his traditional Dancer's outfit for commoners clothing that he most often steals. In this case he often looks very plain and even somewhat dirty, his only distinction being a sapphire earring in his left ear. Personality: Samuel is one of those individuals, the kind you normally don't want to make friends with. He is rather quite at first, but when he's riled he is actually extremely talkative and really annoying. It's not that he's purposefully a snarky-assed jerk, just he doesn't take to kindly to most people, especially those who are non-naeri, but then at the same time he's not overly fond of Naeri either. Most people would describe him as "anal retentive" in most social settings, and a bit childish in the way he deals with people, not that he's incapable of being a mature adult. History: Optional Information Equipment: Various knives hidden in his clothing, making him completely disarm himself would probably take several minutes. Faction (If any): Naeri? Marital Status: Single Magic: Passive yet Arcane, an ability known as "Nature Charming," able to speak with animals and sing certain actions out of nature itself, such as accelerating the growth of a flower. Currently only a little-bit better than parlor tricks. Skills: Music! I shit you not! Sam is known for his incredible voice and ability to easily match the feverous steps of even the most wild races in Enduwin. This transfers into combat where it becomes extremely hard to touch the man that nicked your chin with his knife. The Naeri are known for producing such musicians, but Sam is by far the greatest of the 7 rogues. His skills, however, pales into comparison to the Naeri elders. [/hider] [hider="Naeri"] Faction/Organization Sheet Essential Information Name: Naeri Location: N/A (Nomads) The Naeri travel in large caravans and circuses. The most important is the Grand Cirk, which is 500 strong, and to be considered very dangerous to bandits. Purpose: The Naeri are a group obsessed with life, magic, and most importantly music. They are a group dominated by those who are social outcasts, magically arcane, and musically gifted. They travel the world discovering new techniques of music, new forms of magical ability, and anything else they deem apart of the thrum of life. They are scholars, however, their books are the songs they pass from one another and not actual pages. History: The Naeri formed a century or two ago, some think they are as old as the first villages. They sprung in the melodies of old, and they will die in the melodies of old. Their first members where simply a collection of bards and minstrels, but they have grown into a much larger group, spanning the entire continent, holding members of every race, even the most brutal. The Naeri are sometimes considered a nomadic country, however they have no actual government, only a code to live by. They have had several spats with highway rogues and pirates, as well as those who deem themselves Necromancers. If their spats did not end soon, they often ended in blood, as the Naeri are very protective of their lifestyle, and those who threaten it are hated immensely. Despite this, they are known to accept stragglers, orphans, the homeless, widows, and any other in need of help. They are a very generous group, despite proving their rare, almost feral brutality. Optional Information Key Members: [indent]Naeri elders: There are four Naeri elders that travel with the Grand Cirk, a few are among some of the oldest people in Enduwin. Despite being called elders, Naeri elders can be as young as 15, like the recent successor named Sera who is currently 21. She hasn't been seen since her ceremony, leaving only 3 elders at the Cirk. The 7 Rogues: There are seven rogue Naeri who travel without a group, which is frowned upon in their culture. it is almost treason to their faction, and all 7 are treated as outcasts, however they commune with the elders ever 5 years for some reason unknown to the rest of Enduwin, even the bulk of the Naeri. Some say it's to discuss deeply guarded secrets... [/indent] Advantages: -Large group covering all countries, easiest way to smuggle yourself through somewhere. -Held in high respect by travelers for the safety of following a caravan. -Much like a large family.... Of thousands of individuals. -Holds a large amount of arcane knowledge and history buried in the depths of their culture. Disadvantages: -Disrespected by most city-dwellers and "rooted" settlers. -Can be rather inhospitable to overly negative people or those with checkered pasts wrought in blood. -They hold none of their intelligence in books, so to study among them would be to converse with their seasoned and older individuals. -Can sometimes hold more current gossip than current fact. Ranks: 1: Elders 2: Cirk/Caravan Elder 3: High Minstrels (one for every major Cirk, their numbers fluctuate with Cirks) 4: Bards (a Naeri who chooses to stay in a town or city in order to help traveling Cirks and Caravans, they do not travel often.) 5: Average Caravan/Cirk members 6: The Rogues (The seven rogues are considered the least in the hierarchy.) The Code of Naeri: -"No soul in need shall find their necessity neglected" (Vow of Charity) -"Your honezvr (family) is always with you, and you are always with them." (All Naeri are family, even the rogues, thus all Naeri can find home with another Naeri group, if only temporarily. In short, you can not neglect or ignore a fellow Naeri) -"Death is necessary, but never holy." (Naeri treasure life, not death, killing is treason to their people. Naeri find death only necessary in order to protect life.) -"Keep the glasses full, keep the laughter loud, keep the music flowing." (Be positive!) -"Learn the tales, spin the tales." (The Naeri find it their duty to learn as many stories as they possibly can, from fairy tales to truth, and pass them along orally) Interesting Fact: A non-Naeri scholar has yet to write down the stories the Naeri have collected as a whole, and they would be open to letting one do so. They will not, however, do so themselves. [/hider] IN PROGRESS GUYYSSSS Hence bad punctuation and grammar.