My idea for a character: a Sprayer who was only recently released from prison. He was talented and well respected in his "team" before, but he's come back changed, somewhat. I'll get started on writing. Name: William Hess/Gray Age: 23 Occupation: Sprayer, semi-retired. [hider=Appearance] [img=] Has tattoos for various members of his old crew, using each of their "signatures." For Trigger: A bomb, placed on his left elbow. For Data: 01000100, Binary for the letter "D" down the inside of his left forearm. For Sass, who he believed to have died of her bullet wound: A red X on his right elbow. For Mouse, who was jailed with him, but died in prison, a cartoon mouse on his right wrist. [/hider] Gear: Keeps a satchel with spray paint, and grappling hooks carbon fiber cord. Wears a climbing harness while on the job. Personality: Before his imprisonment, he was a genial, friendly young man, and a brilliant Sprayer. Members of his old team still remember him like that, but now he's quiet, slow and can be jittery at times. Just six months in a Northgate prison has had a profound effect on his psyche and even his physical appearance. Background: William was the son of a pair of German immigrants, who moved to Northgate before he was born, due to issues in their own country. He was always an artist and an adventurer, his family was well off and they were big on vacations, usually to scenic or out of the way places, rather than tourist trap cities. Climbing and painting were both hobbies he already possessed. When Northgate started its little police state experiment, Will was among the first to break away. He was one of the founding members of (insert Sprayer team here). He was six months ago, and spent five of those in Northgate Prison. His older brother, who lives back in Germany, wired some money to pay his absurd fines, and possibly a little extra for a bribe. William was released. He's been out for a month but hasn't tried to make contact with his old team. For all the world he looks like he's quit. It's impossible for him to get employment now, and finding a place to stay was almost as difficult. He currently lives off of money that his older brother sends him. Extra: -He used to be called Kraut, in(slightly offensive) homage to his ancestry, but has taken up a new monicker since his old one is known by the authorities. "Gray" is based on his premature loss of hair color, a result of his harrowing time in prison. -Is a particular expert at climbing and reaching difficult or high places. -His "signature" used to be a German flag. Now it's the same pattern, but all in shades of gray. Most people don't recognize it anymore, as it just looks like three gray bars. -Though he still uses a fake monicker, his real name is on a public list of convicted felons, listed along with his old street name. The fact that he never gave anyone up while in prison lets other Sprayers know he's trustworthy. -Doesn't know that Sass is still alive. Thinks that he and Scarecrow(still imprisoned) are the only surviving members of his old team.