The spoiled lass groaned as she dragged her feet up the hill. Go faster? How? She could barely live as such. Her mind was buzzing with her own complains so much that at first she didn't even notice Alexa grabbed her hand. When she did, however, she stopped abruptly, snapping her hand out of the other girl's palm. "Ew." That was all she said, accompanied by a mean look. She wasn't used to a lot of contact on a good day and now agitated as she was some random touchy-feely hand-holding was the last thing in the universe she wanted. Who did this peasant even think she was? Just because Veronika let her share body heat with her for a night didn't mean they were best buddies all of a sudden. The noble would have complained further, if she didn't hear some sort growling from the back. In fear, she took a step forward before turning - just enough for a black growling wolf to miss her by an inch, only tearing at the hem of her white summer dress. Seeing the best, Veronika fell backwards, letting out a shriek so loud and high, one could be hardly believed that it came from a human. The scream seemed to disorient the best for a moment. "Kill iiit!!!" The pale girl screamed, trying to get up and run away in total panic.