[b]Imalia.[/b] Imalia's gaze remained steady and unclouded by the confusion that seemed rampant in Eikki's own eyes, such was the way with many of the creatures here. It was as if their nature and their humanity were at constant war with one another, as if their nature was something hideous to be repressed and hidden from the world, or like showing your throat to a rival perhaps? Either way they seemed, to her, to always walk around on tip toes, trying not to offend or insult, trying to keep their true selves from being seen lest they appear ugly and tainted to those they tried to impress. Imalia was much simpler, much more free than he was and it reflected in her relaxed stature and the clearness behind those eyes, she was not at war with herself. She had long ago abandoned the idea of hiding the nature within, some considered her a beast and rightly so but at least she was an honest beast. A flutter of lashes and an innocent pout were weapons to her but one would see in those eyes the clarity of a predator, a shark did not pretend to be a fish nor did a lion pretend to be a gazelle and such beasts looked majestic for their acceptance of their own natures. Eikki too had seemingly chosen to ignore the blue fae in favour of keeping his gaze upon the siren, the poor thing would be her meal another time, it was as inevitable as the tide now. Her gaze remained upon the 'kin' that had invaded her tent and made her put down her little morsel as if he ruled over her and as he changed from legged to tailed she remained unchanged, watching with a neutral expression of somewhere between boredom and anticipation. When his transformation complete her head lifted briefly so azure eyes could trawl lazily across the new body he possessed, it was her first time seeing it after all. Scrutinized as he was she showed no evident displeasure or pleasure at the new body and soon returned her gaze to his with that same bored expression upon her fair features. While not exactly ugly he was far from the caliber of her own kind's beauty, though they were cousin rather than kin by features and appearances, it was though highly unlikely she and he were not spawned from the same goddesses loins in one manner or another. Her kind the bloody vengeance of a wronged woman and god, though even those stories were myths to her kind and rarely were they spoken of. By now, no doubt, the tales of her people had further evolved, she was hardly nostalgic though, this was not such an awful state to be in for a comparatively small number of years of her life. The now merfolk slid close to her glass and raised the earth beneath into beautiful coral spears, at one time such alone would stir her restless heart with the hopes of freedom as physical as that she had found mentally but now it merely struck her as coral and her gaze unwavering from his own. He spoke her name, not mangled as the fae had but he spoke it true and she waited, at such a small distance her eyes were not just clear but behind them danced the vastness of the oceans. Both the azure and the mortal oceans seemed captive in their entirety, every wave and every rock, every creature fro ma shrimp to the whales, every patch of coral to the vast sunken ships and villages within both oceans, every abyss and every cave seemed to reside in the blue of her eyes. Though this was no more than a feeling one would have as they looked into the deepness of her gaze as if they too were a captive in the oceans within, just a feeling that when thought upon later would make little sense and yet would likely seem rather normal fair in the current circumstance. She watched the fog settle about his mind a small smile slithered upon her lips, innocent enough to bystanders but coupled with her nature it was less friendly and more darkly amused -albeit only slightly so-. When he blinked free of her gaze she fluttered her eyelids and fanned her tail fins, awaiting his words and allowing them to wash over her with the same impact water had off a ducks back. Briefly she glanced to her 'presents' from JaSi and took up the mirror in her fingers, lowering it into the water before releasing it to harmlessly slip down into the depths, to be forgotten about until she grew bored of Eikki enough to want to test it. Now remained only the liquor bottle, something about home-brewed something or other. She personally never had drunk before, alcohol, just as cigarettes, held nothing for her in terms of enjoyment or entertainment, with a hand wrapping about its neck she used her thumb to pry off the stopper and offered it casually towards Eikki. He spoke of feelings as if she had none, however to bring feelings into her tent would usually mean a long night ahead of her, one filled with the complaints of those who walked on land. Once alcohol offered, and perhaps taken, she gestured with folded arms hand, rolling at the wrist as if to encourage one to speak, only when freed of the bottle did both arms fold across the top of her tank where there was enough of a lip for forearms to comfortably reside there and perhaps for a person to perch if they were brave or foolish enough to. The siren's chin rested then upon folded arms, her cheek resting on her own forearm as she awaited this sad tale of [i]feelings[/i] that Eikki had dragged into her territory. She spoke not a word mind and aside her gentle breathing subjected him to no sighs or erst-wise possibly problematic sounds, though her eyes did not move from his own once they had found them after the retrieval of the bottle and still they remained, unfathomable and subtly intense.