Hey there people! So I'm looking for a role-play partner. I can type usually a paragraph, unless the moment calls for more details, like a starter for a role-play I can usually get up to three paragraphs pounded out. I like doing time period rps, so a lot of stuff in the Medieval ages is what I seem to do a lot. Think Game of Thrones, Merlin, and Reign. Those kind of period pieces are what I like to do. But I'm always up for other stuff, just send me a PM if you've got an idea. :D Oh yea, and if we do role-play together I don't like playing men. I haven't really gotten that aspect of my characters down yet. I can do it for a side character, but as a main one. That's a no go for me. Idea List: If there is a * that means I've got a plot line already lined up. If you want to do it, send me a messge. :3 Medieval: *Gypsy x Prince (rolls can be switched) Prince x Princess Royal x Servant Magical being x human (Can discuss details in PM) Arranged Marriage Other: Highschoolers Kids with powers Kidnapper x Kidnappee (Don't judge on my terrible spelling. :P ) Siblings: (lot of taboo with this one. Only if you can stomach it) Arranged marriage Any other ideas you may have. Run them by me.