Nexus multiverse faction: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paradiso [img=] [img=] A planet inhabited entirely of the rich upper class of pureblood Paradisonian descent. Life is great. Heaven on earth. A tropical paradise! Protected by an armada of robots, they couldn't feel safer. The rest of the population, the not-so-privileged.. Well, they're living on the moon, and the vast asteroid field surrounding the planet. Asteroid defense grid [img=] [url=] A collection of military bases scattered across the asteroid field around the planet. Most of the inhabited asteroids have been hollowed out, and can hold thousands of people, in addition to fighters, carriers, and other military equipment and ships. Ahead of these bases, are the planetary defense turrets. Massive cannons that was only possible to build due to the absence of gravity. Gyron [img=] Gyron is Paradiso's moon. It is grossly overpopulated, it's size is one third of the planet it orbits. It has been terraformed, and is completely habitable, though ugly. Outside the walls of the great cities, there is nothing but miles upon miles of barren wasteland. There are two classes of people living here. "Granted", those who have served their mandatory 20 year military duration, and been allowed access into the major cities. And "Denied", those who have, for whatever reason, haven't served, or dropped out before their time was due. Children are sent off to academies at birth, and are likely to see combat before they're eight years old. Those who live through, have either been lucky and avoided combat entirely, or grown skilled enough to survive it. Military branches: Each branch is divided into new branches that each specialize on different aspects of their main branch. No branch holds any power over the other, but a supreme Commander is able to command any of the branches. Pure Paradisonians are the only ones who are allowed to reach this rank, and often start high up in the chain of command to begin with, regardless of competence or skill. Protectors: An army of robots and AI-controlled battleships that protect Paradiso itself. They answer only to commanders of pure Paradisonian descent, and the AI they've been assigned to. Defenders: These brave men and women man the turrets and battle stations of the asteroid defense grid. Their duties lie primarily in holding the line, and do whatever it takes to ensure that no outside entity ever gets past it without permission. Most battle stations are manned by roughly five hundred men, as they're only there to man the colossal cannons, and fighters. The smaller turrets are all automated. Invaders: The main force of the Paradiso military. These range from everything to massive battleships, to deployable footsoldiers and vehicles. Unit Null: A special elite unit created solely for the purpose of keeping their own forces at their best. Any Null unit automatically outranks anyone from the other branches, with the exception of the commanders, and is numbered from one to twenty, where one holds the highest authority. To gain ranks in this unit, one simply has to kill someone of a lower number. This can happen at any time, except during missions. It ensures that only the best of the best holds a spot in this unit. This branch has it's own asteroid base, fitted with any assets they might need. They're heavily funded, and can make high-priced requests. There are three sub-branches; Science, Assault, and Logistics. Each of them holds 20 ranks, but it is impossible to gain ranks in more than one branch. The chain of command works differently than the main branches. A member of any branch, can command lower ranking members of the other branches, but not those of equal or higher rank. A special perk of being a member of the unit, is the freedom given during downtime between missions. As long as it doesn't interfere with Paradiso, or it's interests, they're free to do whatever they desire. No matter the level of crime. Long term goal: To find and conquer the Nexus, making sure they're the only ones who are able to use it's magic. Actual goal: Paradiso's high command secretly intends to destroy the multiverse. Leaving every dimension dead but their own.