Veronika froze. There was no other way to put it. She nearly turned to stone as she watched Alexa stab the Wold repeatedly. Something about the act woke her up. Woke her up from the dream she had, that they were in a fairytale where she was a princess, finally freed from the vice of her parents. It was unpleasant, yet she needed it. They were in this big, unknown world, where they could die. Die, rot away, no longer exist like the man who brought them here. Her breathing nearly stopped and she didn't even realize she was crying and shivering in shock. She didn't even hear what Alexa said. Her brain just blocked the cruel outer world out. The realization that she is likely to die in the next couple of ways was too much for the fragile rpincess to take in at once. The beast that now layed on the ground, dead scared her with its pressence alone. She had a gripping feeling that it could wake up and resume it's attack at any moment now. "Is... it dead?" She asked with a voice that crasked way too many times for such a short question. The blood, the scenes, the fight, it all repeated itself in front of her eyes. Slowly, with shivering moves she crawled closer to Alexa, but avoiding to be too close to the beast. Only then did she notice the other girl's bleeding arm. "A-are you hurt?" Something in the back of her head mentally slapped her. Of course she is, she's bleeding. But what does that mean? What is going to happen now? "W-we're going to die, aren't we? We're both going d-die in this world..." Veronika whispered mostly to herself tears staining her once-perfect make-up.