Unbeknownst to Razz, this entire sequence of events was being watched by a rather curious and bored mind. However, even if he had stopped to look around for anyone watching him he most likely wouldn't have spotted his little stalker. This was because this watcher was a 2 foot-tall plan shaped like a tiny, and incredibly thin person, and its name was Ashborn. It was watching the man because it was bored, and Razz had woken him up. During his flight away from angry humans, he had thundered through the brush where Ashborn had been taking a quick nap. This interruption jolted Ashborn awake rather abruptly, and sent Flutterfeather, a miniscule hummingbird, into a hyperactive fit. After taking the bird into its hands and calming her down, Ashborn decided to follow the man who had woken it up. It wasn't hard, since he wasn't exactly trying to hide his trail. Eventually it came upon the man, unconscious beneath an oak tree. It carefully crept up on the man, wary both of the man waking up and of anything that may have followed him. Ashborn was, to be honest, rather curious about the man's strange looks. It's never come across a half-elf half-dwarf before, and had no idea what exactly the man was. But at that moment Ashborn had a more pressing concern; it'd woken up hungry. While it was curious about the man, feeding was more important. But thankfully Razz had been injured, which to Ashborn was just an area more easily penetrated by its tongue. Being careful not to touch the man, Ashborn slowly slid it's thin, white tongue into Razz's chest wound. While the man's blood wasn't the best Ashborn had ever tasted, it'd spent several days surviving on animals and was just thankful that a person had wandered into its path. It spent several long moment savouring the flavour as its tongue absorbed blood and fluids from the man's wound, before pulling its tongue back into its mouth. It would have liked to continue feeding, but it was full, literally. its previous white tongue was died red from the blood it'd absorbed and Ashborn wasn't able to pull any more out of the man's body. Then Ashborn had decided to climb the tree that towered above the both of them and continue its nap, content and full. Flutterfeather likewise nestled up to the plant-man, careful to avoid the thorns. And while Razz was unconscious beneath the tree with his chest a bloody mess, Ashborn slept silently and soundly above. But he was once more woken up by Razz, this time it was the sounds of the man waking up that disturbed it. Ashborn didn't particularly mind though, having gotten a good night's sleep. He watched the man stagger to his feet, silently impressed. The wound wasn't deep, but it was long and had been untreated all night; not an issue for an Ogwundi, but most races weren't as robust as Ashborn. As the man began to slowly make his way away, Ashborn came to a decision. It could continue its directionless wandering or it could follow this man, covertly of course, and possibly make it to a town and more people. Ashborn decided on the latter, due to the fact that it found cities to be pretty places most of the time and because they were full of delicious people. So it followed Razz stealthily, moving slowly and blending in with the bush, with Flutterfeather flitting around. It followed him all the way until the outcropping, and then just stared in shock as the man walked right off the edge of the drop. That was probably one of the stupidest things Ashborn had ever seen anyone do, and it simply stared for a few moments longer before making its way forward to the edge. To its surprise, the man was alive. And he was surrounded by an army. Then the man spoke up for the first time, and Ashborn was a bit confused at first. It was perfectly fluent in the language, but the terms "pilgrim" and "outer circle" didn't seem to make much sense in the current context. However, its confusion was quickly dispelled when Razz mentioned the barkeep. Apparently the Pilgrim was a bar. And a bar meant a settlement and people. Ashborn grinned on the inside, since its face wasn't capable of the emotion itself, as it knew it'd made the right decision and was going to be lead to a town or city. Granted it could be difficult to sneak through the army if the man ended up going through the camp, but Ashborn was certain he could do it if he really but his mind to it. Flutterfeather landed on Ashborn's head, and it reached up to pet the bird, saying, "Perfect."