As Silas sat down to play videogames he would only be able to get about five minutes into a game before another window appeared before him, apparently issuing a quest of some kind, before disappearing and bringing up another window explaining the quest. [hider=Window 1] The Quest: "Others Like Me" has been created [/hider] [hider=Others Like Me] [center]Others Like Me[/center] Issued By: A Passing Thought Sometimes in the world there exist multiples of the same thing. There could possibly be more of those with above their heads, or in this case more of those who are . Whether this is true or not is uncertain, but perhaps going to investigate could be very beneficial. Its not like there is much else to do at this point anyway. Reward: 4 EXP, Possibly more information on Failure: Not finding out more about [/hider] Apparently it was talking about more people with the same power that Silas possessed. After all it was a quest given to him by the power. Plus it had an EXP reward attached to it. Still it was unclear of how he would or should go about finding these Gamers though. After all they could be anywhere in Neo Tokyo, but the ability to see the 'tags' over everyone's head was a neat ability that allowed him to easily learn who people were. However Silas would go about investigating this quest to find these Gamers would be up to him.