[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/I8DJN0a.png[/IMG] [b]The Black Knight of Agar Mythos[/b][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Vydia du Lac [b]Age[/b]: 2 (Her development began before the release of Agar Mythos, however her redesign and addition to the game wasn't made until a month after its release.) [b]Personality[/b]: Calm, calculated, and reserved, Vydia is seen as an enigma by the other Champions. Never really raising her voice above a monotone level, which often leads to her being called "robotic", or cold by some of the other AIs, she can come off as a bit unapproachable. Despite the intimidating atmosphere surrounding her, Vydia is helpful and kind to those who show her respect. While she prefers to act alone on missions, she has no trouble with partnering up with other Champions if need be. Loyal, supportive, and cooperative when working in a group, Vydia is an all around team player. Unlike many of the other AIs, Vydia has an absolute fascination with humans, and their world. While she understands her restriction to Agar Mythos, something inside of her will always crave to be more then just a "Champion". [hider=Origin Myth] [b]Origin Myth[/b]: ([i]WIP[/i]) In the beginning Vydia was nothing more then a security program created to protect Agar Mythos from malicious software, unauthorized access, and destruction. She was never meant to be more, however as the game boomed into popularity the corporation that developed Vydia decided to seize the opportunity for more publicity, and possible earnings by redesigning Vydia into one of the many Champions wandering Agar Mythos. While she was given "life" in the game her true purpose is, and will always be to protect Agar Mythos. After the creation of more AI security, Vydia has a lot more time on her hands which allows her to participate in more missions, and interact with others AIs of Agar Mythos as well as the users themselves. Designed for quick, and offensive purposes, she's recently been seen as a popular choice among players.[/hider] [hider=Skills/Powers] - [b]Hand-to-Hand Combat/Stealth[/b]: While she doesn't wield any weapons other than her claws(See Equipment Below), her fighting style is based around mixed-martial-arts(Specifically Muay Thai, Judo, and Kenpo), and unconventional/guerrilla warfare. - [b]SONAR[/b]: Originally intended to detect and determine malicious software, Vydia has learned to use the program as a way to discern her opponents, and map out the area ahead, allowing her to determine the safest route possible to her designated destination or target. - [b]Short Circuit[/b]: As a skill she developed overtime, Vydia has acquired a technique that allows her to control, and send heavy currents of electricity through her opponents body upon contact with her claws. This technique has a time limit, and a downside however. Lasting for roughly two to five minutes, Vydia is often left drained, and sluggish once the technique is over. Leaving her vulnerable, and open to any attacks, this technique is better used as a final blow, or a last minute attack. - [b]Self-Destruct[/b]: In the case of death, corruption, or theft, any and all of her equipment goes into a self-destruct mode rendering her items unusable, and the information within unattainable.[/hider] [hider=Equipment] -[b]Access Control List([url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_control_list]ACL[/url])/Titanium Talons[/b]: Presenting itself as thick black stitches running down her forearms, attached to a pair of metallic black claws, Vydia was programmed with an extensive ACL list during her creation. Permitting her access to Agar Mythos' internal mainframe, the ACL allows Vydia to deal with any dangerous files, glitches, exploits, corrupted AIs, or viruses in AM before they can do any real harm to the host server. Despite it's technical side, her claws are a dangerous weapon in battle. Capable of crushing stone, penetrating steel, and slicing through flesh, her Talons give Vydia an incredible advantage when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.[/hider] [b]Theme Song[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jrY-90x1WY]Little People - Electrickery[/url]